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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 16 seven-letter words containing E, N, P and 2T

EPATANTEPATANT adj. (French) wonderful, marvellous.
PATENTSpatents n. Plural of patent.
patents v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of patent.
PATENT v. to obtain a patent (a government grant protecting the rights of an inventor) on.
PATIENTpatient adj. (Of a person) Willing to wait if necessary; not losing one’s temper while waiting.
patient adj. Constant in pursuit or exertion; persevering; calmly diligent.
patient adj. (Obsolete) Physically able to suffer or bear.
PATTENSpattens n. Plural of patten.
Pattens prop.n. Plural of Patten.
PATTEN v. (obsolete) to go on pattens.
PATTERNpattern n. Model, example.
pattern n. Coherent or decorative arrangement.
pattern v. To apply a pattern.
PENTACTpentact n. A pentactinal structure, one with five rays.
PENTACT n. a five-rayed structure in a sponge.
PENTITIpentiti n. Plural of pentito.
PENTITO n. (Italian) in Italy, a Mafia criminal who has become a police informer.
PENTITOpentito n. A criminal who cooperates with police or government authorities and testifies against or provides harmful…
PENTITO n. (Italian) in Italy, a Mafia criminal who has become a police informer.
PETTINGpetting v. Present participle of pet.
petting n. The act of stroking or gently patting an animal.
petting n. (Sex) The act of kissing, stroking, etc., a person in a sexual manner.
PORTENTportent n. Something that portends an event about to occur, especially an unfortunate or evil event; an omen.
portent n. A portending; significance.
portent n. Something regarded as portentous; a marvel; prodigy.
POTENTSpotents n. Plural of potent.
POTENT n. (obsolete) a crutch with a crosspiece fitting under the arm.
POTTEENpotteen n. Alternative spelling of poteen.
POTTEEN n. (Irish) illicitly distilled Irish whisky, also POITIN, POTEEN, POTHEEN.
REPTANTreptant adj. (Chiefly botany, zoology) Creeping along the ground.
REPTANT adj. creeping or crawling.
SPITTENspitten v. (Nonstandard) past participle of spit.
SPIT v. to throw out saliva from the mouth.
STUPENTstupent adj. (Rare) Struck with stupor; stunned…
STUPENT adj. astounded.
TINTYPEtintype n. An early, remarkably durable form of photograph (technically a photographic negative), printed on a…
tintype v. (Transitive) To produce a tintype image of.
TINTYPE n. a colloquial name for ferrotype, a photographic picture taken on an iron plate by a collodion process.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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