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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing E, 2N, O and P

HYPNONEhypnone n. Acetophenone, used as a hypnotic drug.
HYPNONE n. an aromatic ketone used as a hypnotic.
NEPHRONnephron n. (Anatomy) The basic structural and functional unit of the kidney, which filters the blood in order to…
NEPHRON n. (Greek) an excretory unit of the kidney.
NONPEAKnonpeak adj. Off-peak.
NONPEAK n. a period of low demand.
NONUPLEnonuple n. A ninefold amount or number.
NONUPLE n. a set of nine.
OPENINGopening v. Present participle of open.
opening adj. Pertaining to the start or beginning of a series of events.
opening adj. (Cricket) describing the first period of play, usually up to the fall of the first wicket; describing…
PANNOSEpannose adj. (Botany) Similar in texture or appearance to felt or woollen cloth.
PANNOSE adj. like felt.
PENNONSpennons n. Plural of pennon.
PENNON n. a long, narrow flag, also PENNANT.
PENSIONpension n. An annuity paid regularly as benefit due to a retired employee, serviceman etc. in consideration of…
pension n. A boarding house or small hotel, especially in continental Europe, which typically offers lodging and…
pension n. (Obsolete) A wage or fee.
PINBONEpinbone n. Alternative form of pin bone.
pin␣bone n. A long, thin bone in a fish extending sideways from the backbone.
PINBONE n. the hipbone.
PINNOEDPINNOED adj. (Spenser) pinioned.
PINONESpinones n. Plural of pinon.
piñones n. Plural of piñon.
PINON n. (Spanish) an edible pine seed; the tree bearing it, also PINYON.
PONENTSPONENT n. (Milton) the west, where the sun goes down.
PONTINEpontine adj. (Neuroanatomy) Of or pertaining to the pons in the brain stem.
Pontine adj. Of or relating to an extensive marshy district between Rome and Naples.
Pontine adj. Pertaining to Ponza, an island in the Tyrrhenian Sea.
PRENOONprenoon adj. Before noon.
PRENOON adj. before noon.
SPINONESPINONE n. (Italian) as in Italian spinone, a wiry-coated big-eared gun dog.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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