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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing E, M, N and 2T

BUTMENTbutment n. (Architecture) A buttress of an arch; the supporter, or that part which joins it to the upright pier.
butment n. (Masonry) The mass of stone or solid work at the end of a bridge, by which the extreme arches are sustained…
BUTMENT n. the base of an architectural arch.
FITMENTfitment n. A thing fitted to another in order to accomplish a specific purpose.
fitment n. An item of permanent furniture or equipment.
fitment n. The act of furnishing with fitments; an instance of such an act.
HUTMENThutment n. (Military) An encampment of huts.
HUTMENT n. a group of huts.
MANTLETmantlet n. A short sleeveless cloak or cape.
mantlet n. (Military, now historical) A portable screen or other covering, especially as used to protect the approach…
mantlet n. (Christianity, chiefly Catholicism) A mantelletta.
MINETTEminette n. (Dated) The smallest of regular sizes of portrait photographs.
minette n. (Mineralogy) A mineral deposit consisting of iron ore of sedimentary origin, found in the south of Luxembourg…
MINETTE n. (French) the smallest of regular sizes of portrait photographs.
MITTENSmittens n. Plural of mitten.
Mittens prop.n. A given name for a cat.
MITTEN n. any of various glove-like hand coverings, such as one that does not cover the fingers, also MITT.
NUTMEATnutmeat n. (US) The edible portion of a nut.
NUTMEAT n. the edible kernel of a nut.
SMITTENsmitten adj. Affected by an act of smiting.
smitten v. Past participle of smite.
SMITE v. to strike heavily.
TOMENTAtomenta n. Plural of tomentum.
TOMENTUM n. (Latin) the closely matted hair or downy nap covering the leaves or stems of some plants.
TORMENTtorment n. (Obsolete) A catapult or other kind of war-engine.
torment n. Torture, originally as inflicted by an instrument of torture.
torment n. Any extreme pain, anguish or misery, either physical or mental.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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