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There are 13 seven-letter words containing E, M, N, P and U

HUMPENSHUMPEN n. (German) a type of enamelled or painted glass drinking vessel made in Germany.
LUMPENSlumpens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lumpen.
lumpens n. Plural of lumpen.
LUMPEN n. someone belonging to the underclass.
PENSUMSpensums n. Plural of pensum.
PENSUM n. (Latin) a task; a school imposition.
PINETUMpinetum n. An arboretum, or part of an arboretum or garden, devoted to growing conifers.
PINETUM n. (Latin) a plantation of pine trees.
PLENUMSplenums n. Plural of plenum.
PLENUM n. (Latin) space considered as fully occupied by matter.
PLUMPENplumpen v. (Transitive) To make plump; to fatten.
PLUMPEN v. to plump, to make well rounded and full in form.
PNEUMASpneumas n. Plural of pneuma.
PNEUMA n. (Greek) soul, spirit.
PREMUNEpremune adj. (Medicine) Immune to a disease through having had it before.
PREMUNE adj. resistant to a disease.
PUTAMENputamen n. (Botany) The shell of a nut; the stone of a drupe fruit; endocarp.
putamen n. (Anatomy) A round structure located at the base of the forebrain, regulating movement and learning.
PUTAMEN n. (Latin) a fruit stone; a membrane lining an eggshell.
SPUMONEspumone n. Alternative form of spumoni.
SPUMONE n. (Italian) a rich Italian dessert consisting of layered ice-cream with candied fruits, nuts, and sometimes brandy, also SPUMONI.
UMPTEENumpteen det. (Informal, often slightly derogatory) Relatively large but unspecified in number.
UMPTEEN adj. denoting an indefinitely large number, also UMPTY.
UNKEMPTunkempt adj. (Of hair) Uncombed; dishevelled.
unkempt adj. (By extension) Disorderly; untidy; messy; not kept up.
unkempt adj. (Figurative) Rough; unpolished.
UNPLUMEunplume v. (Transitive) To strip of plumes or feathers.
unplume v. (Transitive, by extension) To humiliate.
UNPLUME v. to strip of feathers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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