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There are 20 seven-letter words containing E, L, R, U and V

CULVERSculvers n. Plural of culver.
CULVER n. a pigeon.
CULVERTculvert n. A channel crossing under a road or railway for the draining of water.
culvert v. To channel (a stream of water) through a culvert.
CULVERT v. to channel a stream through an arched construction or channel enclosing a drain or watercourse beneath a road, railway, etc.
LOUVERSlouvers n. Plural of louver.
LOUVER n. a sloping slat placed across an opening, also LOUVRE.
LOUVREDlouvred adj. (Chiefly British spelling) Alternative form of louvered.
LOUVRED adj. having a louvre.
LOUVRESlouvres n. Plural of louvre.
Louvres prop.n. A commune in Val-d’Oise department, Île-de-France, France.
LOUVRE n. a sloping slat placed across an opening, also LOUVER.
NERVULEnervule n. (Botany) A minor, nonsupporting vein in a leaf of a plant; a branch vein of a nervure (supporting vein)…
nervule n. (Entomology) A minor vein in a wing of an insect.
NERVULE n. a vascular ridge on a leaf, also NERVURE.
PULVERSpulvers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pulver.
PULVER v. to reduce to powder.
REVALUErevalue v. To value again, give a new value to.
revalue v. (UK, pensions) To apply revaluation to a pension benefit.
REVALUE v. to value again.
RIVULETrivulet n. A small brook or stream; a streamlet; a gill.
rivulet n. Perizoma affinitatum, a geometrid moth.
RIVULET n. a small stream.
SLURVESslurves n. Plural of slurve.
SLURVE n. a type of pitch in baseball.
SURVEILsurveil v. (Transitive, US) To keep someone or something under surveillance.
SURVEIL v. to watch closely, also SURVEILLE.
UNRAVELunravel v. (Transitive) To separate the threads (of); disentangle.
unravel v. (Intransitive, of threads etc.) To become separated; (Of something woven, knitted, etc.) to come apart.
unravel v. (Transitive, figurative) To clear from complication or difficulty; to unfold; to solve.
VALUERSvaluers n. Plural of valuer.
VALUER n. one that values.
VAULTERvaulter n. A person who vaults or leaps.
VAULTER n. one who vaults.
VELOURSvelours n. Plural of velour.
VELOURS n. (French) a woollen stuff with velvetlike pile, also VELOUR, VELURE.
VELUREDvelured v. Simple past tense and past participle of velure.
VELURE v. (Shakespeare) to smooth with a velvet or silk pad, as a hat.
VELURESvelures n. Plural of velure.
VELURE v. (Shakespeare) to smooth with a velvet or silk pad, as a hat.
VENULARvenular adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to venules.
VENULAR adj. like a venule, a small vein.
VIRGULEvirgule n. (Typography, obsolete or historical) A medieval punctuation mark similar to the slash ⟨/⟩ or pipe ⟨|⟩…
virgule n. (Typography, dated) A slash, ⟨/⟩ or ⟨/⟩, particularly (literature) in its use to mark line breaks within…
virgule n. (Typography, dated) A pipe, ⟨|⟩, particularly (poetry) in its use to mark metrical feet.
VULTUREvulture n. Any of several carrion-eating birds of the families Accipitridae and Cathartidae.
vulture n. (Figurative, colloquial) A person who profits from the suffering of others.
vulture v. (Figurative, colloquial) To circle around one’s target as if one were a vulture.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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