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There are 10 seven-letter words containing E, L, Q, R and U

CLAQUERclaquer n. Alternative form of claqueur.
CLAQUER n. a member of a claque, also CLAQUEUR.
LACQUERlacquer n. A glossy, resinous material used as a surface coating; either a natural exudation of certain trees…
lacquer n. A similar finish, baked onto the inside of cans.
lacquer v. To apply a lacquer to something or to give something a smooth, glossy finish.
LEQUEARLEQUEAR n. a sunken panel or coffer in a ceiling, also LACUNAR, LAQUEARIA.
LIQUEURliqueur n. A flavoured alcoholic beverage that is usually very sweet and contains a high percentage of alcohol…
liqueur v. To flavor or treat (wine) with a liqueur.
liqueur v. To top up bottles of sparkling wine with a sugar solution.
PREQUELprequel n. (Narratology) In a series of works, an installment that is set chronologically before its predecessor…
PREQUEL n. a book, film, etc., portraying events which precede those of an existing work.
QUARRELquarrel n. (Countable) A dispute or heated argument (especially one that is verbal).
quarrel n. (Countable) Often preceded by a form of to have: a basis or ground of dispute or objection; a complaint;…
quarrel n. (Rare, uncountable) A propensity to quarrel; quarrelsomeness.
QUEERLYqueerly adv. (Dated) In a queer (strange) manner.
queerly adv. (Uncommon) In a queer way (a way not conforming to conventional heterosexual norms), or in a way consistent…
QUEER adv. strange.
QUELLERqueller n. One who quells; one who overpowers or subdues.
queller n. A killer.
QUELLER n. a killer; as, Jack the Giant Queller.
QUILTERquilter n. A person whose hobby or profession is making quilts.
quilter n. (Britain) A person who uses a hand or machine stitch to decorate a quilt, or to sew together the layers of a quilt.
quilter n. (US) A person who performs the entire process of making a patchwork quilt, whether or not it is decorated…
RELIQUErelique n. Obsolete form of relic.
RELIQUE n. (archaic) a relic, a surviving memorial of something past.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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