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There are 20 seven-letter words containing E, L, P and 2T

PALETOTpaletot n. (Historical) A loose outer jacket, cloak, coat, overcoat, greatcoat, three-quarter coat.
paletot n. A women’s fitted jacket.
paletôt n. Alternative spelling of paletot.
PALETTEpalette n. (Painting) A thin board on which a painter lays and mixes colours.
palette n. The range of colors in a given work or item or body of work.
palette n. The range of tones or tone colors in a given musical composition or performance.
PARTLETpartlet n. (Now rare, archaic) A hen (originally in the form Dame Partlet).
partlet n. (Now historical or archaic) A covering for the neck and upper chest, originally worn by both sexes…
PARTLET n. (obsolete) a covering for the neck, and sometimes for the shoulders and breast; originally worn by both sexes, but later by women alone.
PATTLESPATTLE n. (Scots) a small long-handled spade for cleaning a plough, also PETTLE.
PELTASTpeltast n. (Historical) A type of light infantry unit in Ancient Greece who often served as skirmishers.
PELTAST n. (Greek) an ancient Greek soldier armed with a pelta.
PELTATEpeltate adj. Shield-shaped; scutiform.
peltate adj. (Botany, of leaves) Having the petiole attached to the lower surface instead of the margin.
PELTATE adj. having the stalk attached to the edge but near the middle of the undersurface.
PETTILYpettily adv. In a petty manner.
PETTY adv. insignificant.
PETTLEDpettled v. Simple past tense and past participle of pettle.
PETTLE v. (Scots) to indulge, pet.
PETTLESpettles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pettle.
PETTLE v. (Scots) to indulge, pet.
PLATTEDplatted v. Simple past tense and past participle of plat.
PLAT v. to braid.
PLATTERplatter n. A tray for serving foods.
platter n. A main dish and side dishes served together on one plate.
platter n. The hard surface of a turntable on which a gramophone record rests when being played.
PLOTTEDplotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of plot.
PLOT v. to plan secretly.
PLOTTERplotter n. A person who plots.
plotter n. (Computing) An output device that draws graphs and other pictorial images on paper, sometimes using attached pens.
plotter n. (Navigation) An instrument used to mark or find the position of a vessel on a chart.
PLOTTIEPLOTTIE n. a spiced hot drink, such as mulled wine, also PLOTTY.
POTTLESpottles n. Plural of pottle.
Pottles prop.n. Plural of Pottle.
POTTLE n. a small conical fruit basket.
PRATTLEprattle v. (Transitive, intransitive) To speak incessantly and in an inconsequential or childish manner; to babble.
prattle n. Silly, childish talk; babble.
PRATTLE v. to talk at length about nothing in particular.
SPITTLEspittle n. Spit, usually frothy and of a milky coloration.
spittle n. Something frothy and white that resembles spit.
spittle n. Spit-up or drool of an infant.
TAPETALtapetal adj. Relating to a tapetum.
TAPETAL adj. relating to the tapetum, a reflective layer of the choroid in the eyes of many animals.
TEMPLETtemplet n. Archaic form of template.
Templet prop.n. A surname.
TEMPLET n. a thin plate used as a pattern in cutting, also TEMPLATE.
TRIPLETtriplet n. A set of three, particularly.
triplet n. One of a group of three, particularly.
TRIPLET n. a group of three of one kind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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