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There are 19 seven-letter words containing E, L, N, R and Y

ANGERLYangerly adv. (Archaic) Angrily.
ANGER adv. wrath.
BLARNEYblarney n. Mindless chatter.
blarney n. Ability to talk constantly and fluently.
blarney n. Persuasive flattery or kind speech; smooth, wheedling talk.
BYLINERbyliner n. A journalist who writes bylines.
BYLINER n. one that writes under a byline.
DEARNLYdearnly adv. Alternative form of dernly.
DEARN adv. secret; lonely, also DERN.
ELYTRONelytron n. A sheath or outer covering, especially around the spinal cord or over the hindwings of certain insects.
ELYTRON n. (Greek) a hardened forewing of certain insects, also ELYTRUM.
FELONRYfelonry n. Felons as a group.
felonry n. The convict population of a penal colony.
FELONRY n. a body of felons.
GREENLYgreenly adv. With a green colour.
greenly adv. In a naive or immature manner.
Greenly prop.n. A surname.
INERTLYinertly adv. In an inert manner.
INERT adv. passive.
INLAYERinlayer n. One who inlays.
inlayer n. A trough or channel carrying water to the wheel of a watermill.
INLAYER n. one who inlays.
INNERLYinnerly adj. (Rare) Inward; deep-seated.
innerly adv. (Rare) Within; inwardly.
INNERLY adv. more inward.
LARCENYlarceny n. (Law, uncountable) The unlawful taking of personal property as an attempt to deprive the legal owner…
larceny n. (Law, countable) A larcenous act attributable to an individual.
LARCENY n. theft of personal property (replaced as a statutory crime in English law by theft).
LARNEYSLarneys prop.n. Plural of Larney.
LARNEY n. (South African) a white person, a rich person.
LYNCHERlyncher n. One who lynches.
LYNCHER n. one who takes part in a lynching.
NAILERYnailery n. (Archaic) A manufactory of nails.
NAILERY n. a place where nails are made.
NERVILYnervily adv. In a nervy way.
NERVY adv. nervous.
PLENARYplenary adj. Fully attended; for everyone’s attendance.
plenary adj. (Theology or law) Complete; full; entire; absolute.
plenary n. Plenary session.
PRONELYpronely adv. In a prone manner or position.
PRONE adv. lying face down.
RELYINGrelying v. Present participle of rely.
RELY v. to depend on confidently.
STERNLYsternly adv. In a stern manner.
STERN adv. severe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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