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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 19 seven-letter words containing E, L, M, O and Y

AMYLOSEamylose n. (Biochemistry) The soluble form of starch (the insoluble form being amylopectin) that is a linear polymer of glucose.
AMYLOSE n. the relatively soluble component of starch, also AMYLOGEN.
BENOMYLbenomyl n. A fungicide that binds to microtubules, interfering with cell functions such as meiosis and intracellular…
BENOMYL n. a pesticide and fungicide.
EMPLOYEemploye n. (Chiefly US) Dated form of employee.
employé n. Dated form of employee.
EMPLOYE n. a person employed, also EMPLOYEE.
EMPLOYSemploys v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of employ.
EMPLOY v. to hire, use.
HOMELYNhomelyn n. Raia maculata, the European sand ray.
HOMELYN n. the spotted ray.
MAYPOLEmaypole n. A pole, garlanded with streamers held by people who dance around it to celebrate May Day.
maypole n. (Idiomatic) A very tall girl or young lady.
maypole n. (Ornithology) A maypole-like structure of sticks placed about a sapling in the bowers of certain species of bowerbird.
MELLOWYmellowy adj. Soft; unctuous.
MELLOWY adj. soft; unctuous.
MOOLEYSmooleys n. Plural of mooley.
MOOLEY n. a hornless cow, also MULEY, MOOLY, MULLEY.
MOTLEYSmotleys n. Plural of motley.
Motleys prop.n. Plural of Motley.
MOTLEY n. a variegated outfit, such as is worn by a jester.
MYELOIDmyeloid adj. (Hematology) Of or pertaining to bone marrow.
myeloid adj. (Less commonly used) Of or pertaining to the spinal cord.
myeloid n. Such a stem cell.
MYELOMAmyeloma n. (Pathology, oncology) A malignant tumour arising from cells of the bone marrow, specifically plasma cells.
MYELOMA n. (Greek) a tumour of the bone marrow.
MYELONSMYELON n. (Greek) the spinal cord.
OXYMELSoxymels n. Plural of oxymel.
OXYMEL n. (Greek) a mixture of honey, water, vinegar, and spice, boiled to a syrup.
POLYMERpolymer n. (Organic chemistry) A long or larger molecule consisting of a chain or network of many repeating units…
polymer n. A material consisting of such polymer molecules.
POLYMER n. a complex chemical compound.
SMOYLEDSMOYLE v. (obsolete) to smile, also SMOILE.
SMOYLESSMOYLE v. (obsolete) to smile, also SMOILE.
SOYMEALsoymeal n. The meal (coarse flour) of soybeans.
SOYMEAL n. the residue of the extraction of oil from soybean seeds.
SYMBOLEsymbole n. Obsolete form of symbol.
SYMBOLE n. (obsolete) a cymbal.
YMOLTENymolten adj. (Poetic, obsolete, nonce word) melted.
MELT v. to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 67 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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