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There are 20 seven-letter words containing E, K, N, S and W

AWAKENSawakens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of awaken.
AWAKEN v. to rouse from sleep.
KNAWELSknawels n. Plural of knawel.
KNAWEL n. (German) a cornfield weed of the chickweed family, also KNAWE.
KNOWERSknowers n. Plural of knower.
KNOWER n. one who knows.
MISKNEWmisknew v. Simple past tense of misknow.
MISKNOW v. to fail to understand or recognize.
SKEWINGskewing v. Present participle of skew.
skewing n. The act of making something skewed; an alteration in a particular direction.
SKEW v. to make oblique.
SNOWKEDSNOWK v. (Scots) to snuff or smell about, also SNOKE, SNOOK.
SWANKEDswanked v. Simple past tense and past participle of swank.
SWANK v. to show off.
SWANKERswanker adj. Comparative form of swank: more swank.
swanker n. One who behaves in a swanky fashion.
SWANKER n. one who shows off, also SWANKEY, SWANKIE, SWANKPOT.
SWANKEYswankey n. Alternative form of swankie (“a kind of drink”).
SWANKEY n. (Scots) one who shows off, also SWANKER, SWANKIE, SWANKPOT.
SWANKIEswankie n. (Scotland) An active and clever young fellow.
swankie n. (Obsolete) Poor thin beer or any sloppy drink, even sweetened water and vinegar.
SWANKIE n. (Scots) one who shows off, also SWANKER, SWANKEY, SWANKPOT.
SWINKEDswinked v. Simple past tense and past participle of swink.
SWINK v. (archaic) to toil.
SWINKERswinker n. (Archaic or dialectal) A toiler; a labourer.
SWINKER n. a hard worker.
WAKANESWAKANE n. (Japanese) an edible seaweed that can be soaked and used as a salad vegetable, also WAKAME.
WANKERSwankers n. Plural of wanker.
WANKER n. one who masturbates.
WEAKENSweakens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of weaken.
WEAKEN v. to make weak.
WEAKONSweakons n. Plural of weakon.
WEAKON n. a subatomic particle.
WELKINSwelkins n. Plural of welkin.
WELKIN n. (Old English) the sky.
WICKENSwickens n. Plural of wicken.
Wickens prop.n. A surname.
WICKEN n. the rowan tree, also WICKY, WITCHEN.
WINKERSwinkers n. Blocked leather eye shields attached to a (usually) harness bridle for horses, to prevent them from…
winkers n. A fleece cover wrapped around the cheek strap of a racing bridle to limit the rear vision of racehorses.
winkers n. Plural of winker.
WINKLESwinkles n. Plural of winkle.
Winkles prop.n. Plural of Winkle.
WINKLE v. to extract or force out.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 47 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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