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There are 20 seven-letter words containing E, K, L, N and O

CLONKEDclonked v. Simple past tense and past participle of clonk.
CLONK v. to make a dull thumping sound.
ELKHORNelkhorn n. The horn of an elk.
elkhorn n. A highly-branched coral (Acropora palmata) supposed to resemble the horns of an elk.
Elkhorn prop.n. A census-designated place in Monterey County, California, United States.
ENLOCKSenlocks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enlock.
ENLOCK v. to lock up, also INLOCK.
GENLOCKgenlock n. (Television) A technique whereby the video output of one source, or a specific reference signal, is…
genlock v. (Transitive) To synchronize in this manner.
GENLOCK v. to maintain synchronization between two signals using the genlock technique.
KAOLINEkaoline n. Alternative spelling of kaolin.
KAOLINE n. (Chinese) a very pure white clay used to form the paste of porcelain, aka China clay, also KAOLIN.
KEELSONkeelson n. (Nautical) A longitudinal beam fastened on top of the keel of a vessel for strength and stiffness.
KEELSON n. a wooden or steel structure lengthwise within a ship's frame to bear and distribute stress, also KELSON.
KELSONSkelsons n. Plural of kelson.
Kelsons prop.n. Plural of Kelson.
KELSON n. a wooden or steel structure lengthwise within ship's frame to bear and distribute stress, also KEELSON.
KNOBBLEknobble n. A small knob.
knobble v. (Transitive) To give a knobbly surface to.
knobble v. (Transitive, metallurgy) To produce wrought iron by treating (semirefined puddled iron) on a hearth before shingling.
KNOLLEDknolled v. Simple past tense and past participle of knoll.
knolled adj. Having a knoll (hill) or knolls.
KNOLL v. an obsolete form of knell, to ring a bell.
KNOLLERKNOLLER n. one that knolls, tolls a bell.
LEUKONSLEUKON n. (Greek) a bodily organ consisting of the white blood cells.
LOCKMENlockmen n. Plural of lockman.
LOCKMAN n. a lockkeeper; a public executioner.
LOKSHENlokshen n. Flat egg noodles in Yiddish cuisine.
LOKSHEN n. (Yiddish) noodles.
MENFOLKmenfolk n. Male people in general.
menfolk n. The male members of a group.
MENFOLK n. the men of a family or community, also MENFOLKS.
PLONKEDplonked v. Simple past tense and past participle of plonk.
PLONK v. to fall or drop heavily, also PLUNK, PLOP.
PLONKERplonker n. (Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, slang, derogatory) A fool.
plonker n. (Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, slang) A penis.
plonker n. (Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, slang, dated) A man who sanctions sexual relationships between…
SLOCKENslocken v. (Transitive, dialectal) To put out, extinguish (a fire).
slocken v. (Transitive, dialectal) To quench; to allay; to slake.
SLOCKEN v. (Scots) to quench, moisten, also SLOKEN.
SLOKENSSLOKEN v. (Scots) to quench, moisten, also SLOCKEN.
SNORKELsnorkel n. (Underwater diving) A hollow tube, held in the mouth, or mounted on and opening into a diving mask…
snorkel n. A retractable tube fitted in diesel-engine submarines to allow sufficient ventilation that the engines…
snorkel n. A snorkel parka.
SONLIKEsonlike adj. Resembling a son.
SONLIKE adj. like a son.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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