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There are 13 seven-letter words containing E, J, N, O and R

CONJUREconjure v. (Intransitive) To perform magic tricks.
conjure v. (Transitive) To summon (A devil, etc.) using supernatural power.
conjure v. (Intransitive, archaic) To practice black magic.
ENJOYERenjoyer n. One who enjoys.
ENJOYER n. one who enjoys.
JOINDERjoinder n. (Law) The joining of a litigant to a suit.
joinder n. The act of joining; a putting together; conjunction.
JOINDER n. a joining of parties in a law suit.
JOINERSjoiners n. Plural of joiner.
Joiners prop.n. Plural of Joiner.
JOINER n. a carpenter.
JOINERYjoinery n. A factory producing wooden products such as tables, doors, and cabinets.
joinery n. The work of the joiner.
JOINERY n. the trade of a joiner.
JOINTERjointer n. (Literally) One that joints.
jointer n. Any of various tools used to construct or finish joints, especially…
jointer n. An equivalent machine, notably used to produce a flat surface on boards.
JOURNEYjourney n. A set amount of travelling, seen as a single unit; a discrete trip, a voyage.
journey n. (Figurative) Any process or progression likened to a journey, especially one that involves difficulties…
journey n. (Obsolete) A day.
REENJOYreenjoy v. (Transitive) To enjoy again or anew.
REENJOY v. to enjoy again.
REJOINSrejoins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rejoin.
REJOIN v. to join again.
REJONEOrejoneo n. The art of bullfighting on horseback using a lance.
REJONEO n. (Spanish) the art of bullfighting on horseback using rejones.
REJONESREJON n. (Spanish) a lance with a wooden handle, used in bullfighting.
REJOURNrejourn v. (Obsolete, transitive) To adjourn; to put off.
REJOURN v. (Shakespeare) to postpone, defer.
ZANJEROzanjero n. An official in charge of water supplies in Latin America.
ZANJERO n. (Spanish) someone who supervises the distribution of water in irrigation canals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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