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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing E, I, 2T and V

AVIETTEaviette n. (Historical) A heavier-than-air flying machine in which the motive power is furnished solely by the aviator.
AVIETTE n. (historical) an aeroplane driven by manpower, a kind of glider.
CAVETTIcavetti n. Plural of cavetto.
CAVETTO n. (Italian) a concave moulding.
EVITATEevitate v. (Obsolete) To shun; to avoid.
EVITATE v. (Shakespeare) to avoid, also EVITE.
STATIVEstative adj. (Grammar) Asserting that a subject has a particular property.
stative adj. (Military, obsolete, rare) Of or relating to a fixed camp, or military posts or quarters.
stative n. (Grammar) A construct asserting that a subject has a particular property.
TAIVERTTAIVERT adj. (Scots) muddled, fuddled, also TAVERT.
TORTIVEtortive adj. Twisted; wreathed.
TORTIVE adj. (Shakespeare) turned awry.
TRIVETStrivets n. Plural of trivet.
TRIVET n. a small stand with three legs, also TREVET.
VETTINGvetting v. Present participle of vet.
vetting n. A checking or investigation.
VETTING n. as in positive vetting, the process of security clearance.
VIDETTEvidette n. Alternative form of vedette.
VIDETTE n. (French) a mounted sentry stationed to watch for enemy, also VEDETTE.
VIRETOTVIRETOT n. (Scott) rush, dash, gad.
VITIATEvitiate v. (Transitive) To spoil, make faulty; to reduce the value, quality, or effectiveness of something.
vitiate v. (Transitive) To debase or morally corrupt.
vitiate v. (Transitive, archaic) To violate, to rape.
VITTATEvittate adj. Having longitudinal stripes.
vittate adj. Having vittae.
VITTATE adj. marked or striped with vittae, bands or stripes of colour.
VITTLEDvittled v. Simple past tense and past participle of vittle.
VITTLE v. (dialect) to provide with food, also VICTUAL.
VITTLESvittles n. Plural of vittle.
vittles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vittle.
VITTLE v. (dialect) to provide with food, also VICTUAL.
VUTTIERVUTTY adj. (dialect) dirty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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