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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing E, I, L, R and Z

BLITZERblitzer n. (American football) One engaging in a blitz.
Blitzer prop.n. A surname.
BLITZER n. one who blitzes.
BRULZIEbrulzie n. (Scotland) A loud argument or dispute.
BRULZIE n. (Scots) a broil, a noisy disturbance, also BRUILZIE, BRULYIE.
DRIZZLEdrizzle v. (Impersonal) To rain lightly.
drizzle v. (Transitive, intransitive) To shed slowly in minute drops or particles.
drizzle v. (Cooking, transitive) To pour slowly and evenly, especially oil or honey in cooking.
FILAZERfilazer n. Alternative form of filacer.
FILAZER n. an officer who files writs, also FILACER.
FRIZZLEfrizzle v. (Transitive) To fry something until crisp and curled.
frizzle v. (Transitive) To scorch.
frizzle v. (Intransitive) To fry noisily, sizzle.
GLAZIERglazier n. One who glazes; a craftsman who works with glass, fitting windows, etc.
glazier adj. Comparative form of glazy: more glazy.
Glazier prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation for a glazier.
GRIZZLEgrizzle n. A dark grey colour.
grizzle n. Grey hair.
grizzle n. A grey wig.
LAIRIZElairize v. (Obsolete, slang) To act in a flashy manner.
LAIRIZE v. (Australian) tto act like a flashy man, also LAIRISE.
REALIZErealize v. (Formal, transitive) To make real; to convert from the imaginary or fictitious into reality; to bring…
realize v. (Transitive) To become aware of (a fact or situation, especially of something that has been true for a long time).
realize v. (Transitive) To cause to seem real to other people.
SIZZLERsizzler n. One who, or that which, sizzles.
sizzler n. (Slang) A person who is very sexually attractive.
sizzler n. An Indian dish of meat and vegetables served sizzling on a hot plate.
WRIZLEDwrizled adj. (Obsolete) Alternative spelling of writhled.
WRIZLED adj. (Spenser) wrinkled.
ZORILLEzorille n. Ictonyx striatus, a small, carnivorous, nocturnal African mammal resembling a skunk.
ZORILLE n. (Spanish) a small African mammal, also ZORIL, ZORILLA, ZORILLO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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