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There are 18 seven-letter words containing E, I, L and 2M

DILEMMAdilemma n. A circumstance in which a choice must be made between two or more alternatives that seem equally undesirable.
dilemma n. A difficult circumstance or problem.
dilemma n. (Logic) A type of syllogism of the form "if A is true then B is true; if C is true then D is true; either…
GEMMILYgemmily adv. In a gemmy manner.
GEMMY adv. resembling a gem.
GLIMMERglimmer n. A faint light; a dim glow.
glimmer n. A flash of light.
glimmer n. A faint or remote possibility.
LAMMIESlammies n. Plural of lammy.
lammies n. Plural of lammie.
LAMMIE n. a thick quilted jumper worn by sailors, also LAMMY.
LEMMINGlemming n. A small Arctic and Subarctic rodent from any of six genera of similar rodents.
lemming n. (Figuratively) Any member of a group given to conformity or groupthink, especially a group poised to…
LEMMING n. (Norwegian) a small short-tailed Arctic rodent.
LIMMERSlimmers n. Plural of limmer.
Limmers prop.n. Plural of Limmer.
LIMMER n. (Scots) a rogue or thief; a hussy.
LUMMIERLUMMY adj. (slang) excellent.
MAILMENmailmen n. Plural of mailman.
MAILMAN n. a man who carries and delivers mail.
MALMIERMALMY adj. resembling malm, a calcareous loam used in making brick.
MELISMAmelisma n. (Music, countable) A passage of several notes sung to one syllable of text.
melisma n. (Music, uncountable) The use of such passages.
MELISMA n. (Greek) melodic embellishment.
MELTEMImeltemi n. (Meteorology) A strong, dry, northerly, seasonal wind in the Aegean sea; etesian wind.
MELTEMI n. (Modern Greek) a northerly wind in the NE Mediterranean.
MILKMENmilkmen n. Plural of milkman.
MILKMAN n. a man who sells or delivers milk, also MILKO.
MILLIMEmillime n. A unit of currency equal to one thousandth of a Tunisian dinar.
millime n. (Historical) A unit of currency equal to one thousandth of an Egyptian pound.
MILLIME n. a monetary unit of Tunisia.
MOHELIMmohelim n. Plural of mohel.
MOHEL n. (Hebrew) a person who performs Jewish circumcisions.
MOLIMENmolimen n. (Medicine) An effort or impulse toward a certain effect.
MOLIMEN n. (Latin) a great effort, esp. any physical effort made by the body in carrying out a natural function.
PLIMMEDplimmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of plim.
PLIM v. to swell, as grain or wood with water.
SLIMMEDslimmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of slim.
SLIM v. to make slim.
SLIMMERslimmer adj. Comparative form of slim: more slim.
slimmer n. A person who is trying to become slim by dieting.
slimmer n. That which slims.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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