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There are 17 seven-letter words containing E, I, K and 2N

EINKORNeinkorn n. Einkorn wheat.
EINKORN n. (German) a variety of wheat.
ENLINKSenlinks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enlink.
ENLINK v. to connect closely.
KEENINGkeening adj. Sharp, shrill, especially of a sound.
keening n. Intense mournful wailing after a death, often at a funeral or wake.
keening n. (By extension) An unpleasant wailing sound.
KENNINGkenning n. (Obsolete) Sight, view; specifically a distant view at sea.
kenning n. (Obsolete) The range or extent of vision, especially at sea; (by extension) a marine measure of approximately…
kenning n. As little as one can discriminate or recognize; a small portion, a little.
KENTINGkenting v. Present participle of kent.
KENT v. (Scots) to steer by a punting pole.
KERNINGkerning n. (Typography) The adjustment of the horizontal space between selected pairs of glyphs in a typeface.
kerning v. Present participle of kern.
KERNING n. adjustment of adjoining typeset letters.
KINETINkinetin n. (Biochemistry) A tricyclic heterocyclic plant hormone that promotes cell division.
KINETIN n. a substance that increases plant growth.
KINONESkinones n. Plural of kinone.
KINONE n. a golden-yellow crystalline compound usually prepared by oxidizing aniline, also CHINONE, QUINONE.
KINSMENkinsmen n. Plural of kinsman.
KINSMAN n. a male relative.
KNEEINGkneeing v. Present participle of knee.
kneeing n. A blow made with the knee.
KNEE v. to strike with a joint of the leg.
LINKMENlinkmen n. Plural of linkman.
LINKMAN n. a male hired to light the way along dark streets, also LINKBOY.
NEATNIKneatnik n. A stickler for neatness or cleanliness.
NEATNIK n. a compulsively neat person.
NECKINGnecking v. Present participle of neck.
necking n. A behavior among male giraffes where they hold combat for social dominance using their necks as weapons.
necking n. (Architecture) A neckmould.
NUNLIKEnunlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a nun.
NUNLIKE adj. like a nun.
PINKENSpinkens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pinken.
PINKEN v. to become pink.
SKINNEDskinned adj. Having skin.
skinned adj. Covered in a thin membrane resembling skin.
skinned adj. Having skin (or similar outer layer) totally or partially removed.
SKINNERskinner n. Someone who skins animals.
skinner n. A hunting knife used for skinning animals.
skinner n. One who deals in skins, pelts, or hides.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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