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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing E, I, J, S and U

DISJUNEDISJUNE n. (Scots) breakfast.
DISJUNE v. to take breakfast, also DEJEUNE, DEJEUNER.
INJURESinjures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of injure.
INJURE v. to harm or do hurt to.
JUBILESjubiles n. Plural of jubile.
JUBILE n. (Latin) a celebration, also JUBILEE.
JUICERSjuicers n. Plural of juicer.
JUICER n. a juice extractor.
JUKSKEIjukskei n. (South Africa, uncountable) A traditional game similar to quoits played by throwing the skei at the yoke.
jukskei n. (South Africa, countable) One of the wooden pins thrown in the game of jukskei.
JUKSKEI n. (South African) an outdoor game similar to quoits.
JULIETSJULIET n. (in international radio communication) a code word for the letter j.
JUMBIESjumbies n. Plural of jumbie.
jumbies n. Plural of jumby.
JUMBY n. (West Indian) a ghost or evil spirit, also JUMBIE.
JUNKIESjunkies n. Plural of junkie.
junkies n. Plural of junky.
JUNKIE n. a narcotics addict, also JUNKY.
JUSSIVEjussive n. (Grammar, uncountable and countable) The jussive mood, a verb inflection used to indicate a command…
jussive n. (Arabic grammar) A verbal mood of vague or miscellaneous senses, occurring after some particles and…
jussive adj. (Grammar) Of or in the jussive mood.
JUSTICEjustice n. The state or characteristic of being just or fair.
justice n. The ideal of fairness, impartiality, etc., especially with regard to the punishment of wrongdoing.
justice n. Judgment and punishment of a party who has allegedly wronged another.
JUTTIESjutties n. Plural of jutty.
JUTTY v. to stick out.
PUNJIESPUNJI v. to fortify with punji stakes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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