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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing E, I, J, N and T

INJECTSinjects v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inject.
INJECT v. to force liquid into.
INKJETSinkjets n. Plural of inkjet.
INKJET n. a printer that spurts ink to form letters.
JANTIERJANTY adj. briskly self-assured, also JAUNTY, JANTEE, JAUNTEE.
JANTIESJANTY n. a naval master-at-arms, also JONTY.
JAUNTIEJAUNTIE n. a naval master-at-arms, also JONTY.
JESTINGjesting n. Joking.
jesting n. Bantering; ridicule.
jesting n. Mocking.
JETTINGjetting v. Present participle of jet.
jetting n. The application of a jet of liquid, especially to treat livestock against pests.
JET v. to spurt forth in a stream.
JINGLETjinglet n. A little song or jingle.
jinglet n. A ball serving as the clapper of a sleigh-bell.
JINGLET n. a clapper on a sleigh-bell.
JITNEYSjitneys n. Plural of jitney.
JITNEY n. a small bus.
JOINTEDjointed adj. Having joints.
jointed adj. (Ireland, slang, of an entertainment venue) Extremely full of people, packed, chockablock.
jointed v. Simple past tense and past participle of joint.
JOINTERjointer n. (Literally) One that joints.
jointer n. Any of various tools used to construct or finish joints, especially…
jointer n. An equivalent machine, notably used to produce a flat surface on boards.
JONTIESJONTY n. a naval master-at-arms, also JANTY.
NARTJIEnartjie n. A South African tangerine. (small orange fruit)
NARTJIE n. (South African) a small sweet orange like the mandarin, also NAARTJE, NAARTJIE.
TAJINEStajines n. Plural of tajine.
TAJINE n. a conical clay pot used in North African cooking, also TAGINE.
TWINJETtwinjet n. (Aviation) An aircraft powered by two jet engines.
twinjet n. (Physics) Two jets of particles from an event or source.
TWINJET n. an aircraft with two jet engines.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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