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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing E, 2I, T and U

INQUIETinquiet v. (Obsolete, transitive) To disquiet.
INQUIET adj. not quiet.
INQUIET v. to disturb.
INUTILEinutile adj. (Obsolete) useless; unprofitable.
INUTILE adj. useless; unprofitable.
PITUITEpituite n. Mucus; phlegm.
PITUITE n. (archaic) phlegm, mucus, also PITUITA.
TUILYIETUILYIE v. (Scots) to struggle, brawl, also TUILZIE.
TUILZIETUILZIE v. (Scots) to struggle, brawl, also TUILYIE.
UNITIESunities n. Plural of unity.
UNITY n. the state of being one single entity.
UNITISEunitise v. (British spelling) Alternative form of unitize.
UNITISE v. to divide into units, also UNITIZE.
UNITIVEunitive adj. Of, causing, or involving unity or union.
UNITIVE adj. serving to unite.
UNITIZEunitize v. To manage as a unit.
unitize v. To convert, package, or organize into one or more units.
UNITIZE v. to divide into units, also UNITISE.
UTILISEutilise v. To make use of; to use.
utilise v. To make useful; to find a practical use for.
utilise v. To make best use of; to use to its fullest extent, potential, or ability.
UTILIZEutilize v. (US, Canada, Oxford) Alternative spelling of utilise.
UTILIZE v. to make use of, also UTILISE.
UVEITICuveitic adj. Relating to uveitis.
UVEITIC adj. pertaining to the uvea, the posterior pigment-bearing layer of the pupil of the eye.
UVEITISuveitis n. (Pathology) Inflammation of the uvea.
UVEITIS n. inflammation of the uvea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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