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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing E, H, N and 2R

CHIRRENchirren n. (Southern US, AAVE) plural of chile (child).
CHIRREN n. (Southern US dialect) children.
CHURNERchurner n. The vessel in which cream is churned to make butter.
CHURNER n. a person who or machine which churns.
ERRHINEerrhine adj. (Medicine, rare) Causing an increase in mucus within the nose, and hence causing one to sneeze.
errhine n. (Medicine, uncommon) A medicine applied inside the nose to increase the production of mucus, and hence sneezing.
ERRHINE n. an obsolete medicine, which caused sneezing as a treatment for nasal congestion.
HERONRYheronry n. A breeding woodland for herons; a heron rookery.
HERONRY n. a breeding place for herons.
HERRINGherring n. A type of small, oily fish of the genus Clupea, often used as food.
herring n. Fish in the family Clupeidae.
herring n. Fish similar to those in genus Clupea, many of those in the order Clupeiformes.
HONORERhonorer n. One who honors.
HONORER n. one who honors, also HONOURER.
HORNERShorners n. Plural of horner.
Horners prop.n. Plural of Horner.
Horners n. Plural of Horner.
HORNIERhornier adj. Comparative form of horny: more horny.
HORNY adj. like horn.
HORRENThorrent adj. Standing erect, as bristles; covered with bristling points; bristled; bristling.
HORRENT adj. bristling.
NORTHERnorther n. A strong north wind, a wind blowing from the north.
norther v. To move or go toward the north.
norther v. (Of wind) To blow from (closer to) the north, pushing ships (etc) towards the south; to have its apparent…
RANCHERrancher n. A person who operates a ranch.
rancher n. (US, real estate) A ranch-style house, a ranchhouse.
RANCHER n. one that owns or works on a ranch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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