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There are 17 seven-letter words containing E, H, 2M and S

CHEMISMchemism n. (Obsolete, chemistry) chemical attraction.
CHEMISM n. chemical action, activity, or force.
HAMMERShammers n. Plural of hammer.
hammers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hammer.
Hammers n. Plural of Hammer.
HAMMIEShammies n. Plural of hammy.
hammies n. Plural of hammie.
HAMMY n. a hamstring.
HEMMERShemmers n. Plural of hemmer.
Hemmers prop.n. Plural of Hemmer.
HEMMER n. one who, or that which, hems with a needle.
HUMMELShummels n. Plural of hummel.
HUMMEL v. to make hornless.
HUMMERShummers n. Plural of hummer.
Hummers n. Plural of Hummer.
HUMMER n. one who, or that which, hums.
MAIHEMSmaihems n. Plural of maihem.
MAIHEM n. maiming, malicious damage, also MAYHEM.
MASHMENMASHMAN n. a worker in a brewery who helps to make the mash.
MAYHEMSmayhems n. Plural of mayhem.
MAYHEM n. maiming, malicious damage, also MAIHEM.
MEGOHMSmegohms n. Plural of megohm.
MEGOHM n. a measure of electrical resistance, one million ohms.
MISHMEEMishmee n. Dated form of Mishmi.
MISHMEE n. the bitter root stock of a plant, also MISHMI.
SHAMMEDshammed v. Simple past tense and past participle of sham.
SHAM v. to feign.
SHAMMERshammer n. A person who shams; a liar or faker.
SHAMMER n. one who shams; an impostor.
SHAMMESshammes n. Alternative form of shamash (“sexton in a synagogue”).
shammes n. Alternative form of shamash (“candle used to light other candles of a Hanukkah menorah”).
SHAMMES n. (Yiddish) the sexton in a synagogue; the candle used to light the other 8 candles of a Chanukah menorah, also SHAMMAS, SHAMMASH, SHAMMOS, SHAMOS.
SHIMMEDshimmed adj. Fitted with shims.
shimmed adj. (Pool, of a pocket) Having shims that reduce its size.
shimmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of shim.
SHIMMERshimmer v. (Intransitive) To shine tremulously or intermittently; to gleam faintly.
shimmer n. A faint or veiled and tremulous gleam or shining.
shimmer n. (Signal processing) A measure of the irregularities in the loudness of a particular pitch over time.
SHIMMEYshimmey n. Alternative form of shimmy.
shimmey v. Alternative form of shimmy.
SHIMMEY n. a chemise.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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