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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing E, H, I, L and Y

CHIEFLYchiefly adv. (Focus) Especially or primarily; above all.
chiefly adv. (Focus) Mainly or principally; almost entirely.
chiefly adj. Of or relating to a chief.
CHIMLEYchimley n. (UK, dialect, New England, archaic) Alternative form of chimney.
Chimley prop.n. Obsolete form of Chulmleigh.
DIETHYLdiethyl n. (Organic chemistry) Two ethyl groups attached to the same molecule.
DIETHYL n. a compound having two ethyl groups.
ETHINYLethinyl n. Alternative form of ethynyl.
ETHINYL n. a univalent chemical radical, also ETHOXY, ETHOXYL, ETHYL, ETHYNYL.
ETHYLICethylic adj. (Organic chemistry) Pertaining to, derived from, or containing ethyl.
ETHYLIC adj. pertaining to, derived from, or containing, ethyl; as, ethylic alcohol.
HEADILYheadily adv. In a heady manner.
HEADY adv. intoxicating.
HEAVILYheavily adv. In a heavy manner.
heavily adv. With a great weight.
heavily adv. To a considerable degree, to a great extent.
HEFTILYheftily adv. In a hefty manner.
HEFTY adv. big of build.
HEXYLIChexylic adj. (Organic chemistry) Derived from a hexane.
HEXYLIC adj. relating to a hexyl radical.
HYALINEhyaline adj. Glassy, transparent; amorphous.
hyaline n. (Poetic) Anything glassy, translucent or transparent; the sea or sky.
hyaline n. (Zoology, anatomy) A clear translucent substance in tissues.
HYALITEhyalite n. (Mineralogy) A form of opal.
HYALITE n. a pellucid variety of opal in globules looking like colorless gum or resin.
LECYTHIlecythi n. Plural of lecythus.
LECYTHUS n. (Latin) an oil jar used in ancient Greece, also LEKYTHOS, LEKYTHUS.
LEHAYIMlehayim interj. Alternative form of lechayim.
LEHAYIM n. (Hebrew) a traditional Jewish toast, also LECHAYIM, LECHAIM, LEHAIM.
LEKYTHIlekythi n. Plural of lekythus.
LEKYTHUS n. (Latin) an oil jar used in ancient Greece, also LEKYTHOS, LECYTHUS.
LITHELYlithely adv. In a lithe manner.
LITHE adv. supple.
TECHILYtechily adv. Alternative form of tetchily.
TECHY adv. irritable, also TEACHIE, TETCHY.
WHITELYwhitely adj. (Now rare, Scotland) White; pale.
whitely adv. In a white manner.
Whitely prop.n. A surname.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 73 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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