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There are 17 seven-letter words containing E, H, I, K and N

BETHINKbethink v. (Obsolete, transitive) To think about, to recollect.
bethink v. (Reflexive) To think of (something or somebody) or that (followed by clause); to remind oneself, to…
bethink v. (Intransitive) To meditate, ponder; to consider.
CHETNIKchetnik n. (Now historical) A member of a Serbian royalist army band.
chetnik n. An adherent of an nationalist revival of the historical Chetnik movement.
Chetnik n. Alternative letter-case form of chetnik.
CHEWINKchewink n. A bird, Pipilo erythrophthalmus, the Eastern towhee.
CHEWINK n. an American bird of the Finch family, so called from its note, also CHEEWINK.
CHICKENchicken n. (Countable) A domesticated species of junglefowl (usually, Gallus gallus; sometimes, Gallus gallus domesticus…
chicken n. (Uncountable) The meat from this bird eaten as food.
chicken n. (Archaic) The young of any bird; a chick.
CHINKEDchinked v. Simple past tense and past participle of chink.
CHINK v. to fill up cracks.
GHERKINgherkin n. A small cucumber, often pickled whole.
gherkin n. (Slang) The penis.
Gherkin prop.n. (UK, informal) The building at 30 St Mary Axe, a distinctively-shaped skyscraper in London, England.
HANKIEShankies n. Plural of hanky.
HANKY n. (colloquial) handkerchief, also HANKIE.
HENLIKEhenlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a hen.
HENLIKE adj. like a hen.
HINKIERhinkier adj. Comparative form of hinky: more hinky.
HINKY adj. strange, unreliable.
HUNKIERhunkier adj. Comparative form of hunky: more hunky.
HUNKY adj. strongly built.
KERNISHkernish adj. (Obsolete) clownish; boorish.
KERNISH adj. relating to a kern, an Irish foot-soldier.
KITCHENkitchen n. A room or area for preparing food.
kitchen n. (By extension) Cuisine; style of cooking.
kitchen n. (Chiefly African American Vernacular English) The nape of a person’s hairline, often referring to its…
KNISHESknishes n. Plural of knish.
KNISH n. (Yiddish) in Jewish cooking, dough with potato, meat etc. baked or fried.
METHINKmethink cont. Misconstruction of methinks.
METHINK v. it seems to me, also METHINKETH, METHINKS.
RETHINKrethink v. To think again about something, with the intention of changing or replacing it.
rethink n. The act of thinking again about something.
RETHINK v. to think again.
THICKENthicken v. (Transitive) To make thicker (in the sense of wider).
thicken v. (Transitive) To make thicker (in the sense of more viscous).
thicken v. (Intransitive) To become thicker (in the sense of wider).
THINKERthinker n. One who spends time thinking, contemplating or meditating.
thinker n. An intellectual, such as a philosopher or theologian.
thinker n. (Slang) The brain; the mind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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