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There are 18 seven-letter words containing E, H, 2I and T

BHISTIEbhistie n. Alternative form of bheestie (“a traditional water-carrier of South Asia”).
BHISTIE n. (Urdu) an Indian water carrier, also BHEESTIE, BHEESTY, BHISHTI, BHISTEE, BHISTI.
EXHIBITexhibit v. (Transitive) To display or show (something) for others to see, especially at an exhibition or contest.
exhibit v. (Transitive) To demonstrate.
exhibit v. (Transitive, law) To submit (a physical object) to a court as evidence.
HEITIKIheitiki n. Alternative form of hei-tiki.
hei-tiki n. An ornamental greenstone pendant among the Māori, worn around the neck.
HEITIKI n. (Maori) a neck ornament made from greenstone.
HIRSTIEHIRSTIE adj. (Scots) dry, barren, also HISTIE.
ICHNITEichnite n. A fossilized footprint or track of an animal.
ICHNITE n. a fossil footprint, also ICHNOLITE.
INHERITinherit v. (Transitive) To take possession of as a right (especially in Biblical translations).
inherit v. (Transitive) To receive (Property, a title, etc.), by legal succession or bequest after the previous owner’s death.
inherit v. (Transitive, biology) To receive a characteristic from one’s ancestors by genetic transmission.
ITCHIERitchier adj. Comparative form of itchy: more itchy.
ITCHY adj. affected with itching.
LITHITELITHITE n. a calcareous body secreted by an animal cell.
NIGHTIEnightie n. (Informal) A woman’s nightgown or nightdress for wearing to bed.
nightie phr. Alternative form of nighty (“good night”).
NIGHTIE n. a nightgown, also NIGHTY.
PITHIERpithier adj. Comparative form of pithy: more pithy.
PITHY adj. full of pith, to the point.
PITIETHpitieth v. (Archaic) third-person singular simple present indicative form of pity.
PITIETH v. as in it pitieth me, i.e. it causes pity in me.
STISHIEstishie n. Alternative spelling of stushie.
STISHIE n. (Scots) fuss, ado, disturbance, also STASHIE, STOOSHIE, STOUSHIE, STUSHIE.
THICKIEthickie n. (Chiefly Britain, slang) a dimwit or idiot.
THICKIE n. a stupid person, also THICKO, THICKY.
TICHIERtichier adj. Comparative form of tichy: more tichy.
TICHY adj. very small, also TITCHIE, TITCHY.
TITCHIETITCHIE adj. very small, also TICHY, TITCHY.
WHITIERwhitier adj. Comparative form of whity: more whity.
WHITY adj. whitish, also WHITEY.
WITHIERwithier adj. Comparative form of withy: more withy.
WITHY adj. flexible and tough.
WITHIESwithies n. Plural of withy.
WITHY n. a flexible twig.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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