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There are 15 seven-letter words containing E, G, O and 2T

BETTONGbettong n. Any marsupial of the genus Bettongia, closely related to kangaroos.
BETTONG n. (Native Australian) an Australian rat kangaroo.
BOTTEGAbottega n. A workshop or studio in Italy.
BOTTEGA n. (Italian) a wineshop.
COTTAGEcottage n. A small house.
cottage n. A seasonal home of any size or stature, a recreational home or a home in a remote location.
cottage n. (UK, slang, archaic) A public lavatory.
EGOTISTegotist n. A person who talks excessively about themself.
egotist n. A person who believes in his or her own importance or superiority.
egotist n. (Nonstandard, by confusion of the similar words) An egoist (advocate of egoism).
GAROTTEgarotte n. Alternative spelling of garrotte.
garotte v. Alternative spelling of garrotte.
GAROTTE v. to execute by strangling, also GARROTE, GAROTE, GARROTTE.
GAVOTTEgavotte n. A French dance, in either 4/4 or 2/2 time.
gavotte v. To perform this dance.
GAVOTTE n. (French) a kind of French country dance, also GAVOT.
GETOUTSget-outs n. Plural of get-out.
GETOUT n. an excuse to avoid doing something.
GHETTOSghettos n. Plural of ghetto.
GHETTO v. to confine to a ghetto.
GJETOSTgjetost n. Alternative spelling of geitost.
GJETOST n. (Norwegian) a hard brown Norwegian cheese made from goat's milk.
GOTHITEgothite n. Alternative form of goethite.
GOTHITE n. an ore of iron, also GOETHITE.
GOUTTESgouttes n. Plural of goutte.
GOUTTE n. (French) a drop.
OUTGATEoutgate n. An outlet; a passage outward.
OUTGATE n. an exit.
POTTAGEpottage n. (Archaic or historical) A thick soup or stew, made by boiling vegetables, grains, and sometimes meat…
pottage n. (Archaic) An oatmeal porridge.
POTTAGE n. a thick soup or stew of vegetables and sometimes, meat, also POTAGE.
TENTIGOtentigo n. (Archaic) Penile erection or tumescence; especially, pathological erection (priapism).
TENTIGO n. (Latin) morbid lasciviousness.
TOGATEDtogated adj. Dressed in a toga or gown; wearing a gown; gowned.
TOGATED adj. (Shakespeare) wearing a toga, also TOGAED, TOGATE, TOGED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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