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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing E, G, N, P and T

EMPTINGempting v. Present participle of empt.
EMPTING n. the act of emptying.
PAGEANTpageant n. An elaborate public display, especially a parade in historical or traditional costume.
pageant n. A spectacular ceremony.
pageant n. Ellipsis of beauty pageant..
PANTLEGpantleg n. (North America) One leg of a pair of pants, a trouser leg (UK English).
pant␣leg n. One leg of a pair of pants.
PANTLEG n. the leg part of a pair of trousers or pants.
PELTINGpelting v. Present participle of pelt.
pelting n. The act by which somebody or something is pelted.
pelting adj. (Obsolete) mean; paltry.
PETTINGpetting v. Present participle of pet.
petting n. The act of stroking or gently patting an animal.
petting n. (Sex) The act of kissing, stroking, etc., a person in a sexual manner.
PIGMENTpigment n. (Biology) Any color in plant or animal cells.
pigment n. A dry colorant, usually an insoluble powder.
pigment n. (Obsolete) Wine flavoured with spices and honey.
PONTAGEpontage n. (UK, law, obsolete) A duty or tax paid for repairing bridges.
PONTAGE n. a toll paid on bridges.
PUNGENTpungent adj. Having a strong odor that stings the nose, said especially of acidic or spicy substances.
pungent adj. Having a strong taste that stings the tongue, said especially of hot (spicy) food, which has a strong…
pungent adj. (Figurative) Stinging; acerbic.
TEMPINGtemping v. Present participle of temp.
TEMPING n. working as a temporary employee.
TREPANGtrepang n. Synonym of sea cucumber.
TREPANG n. (Malay) a sea cucumber eaten as a Chinese or Japanese delicacy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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