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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing E, G, L and 2N

ANELINGaneling v. Present participle of anele.
ANELE v. to anoint with extreme unction.
ANLAGENanlagen n. Plural of anlage.
ANLAGE n. (German) the first discernible rudiment of an organ.
EANLINGeanling n. Alternative form of yeanling (“newborn goat or sheep”).
EANLING n. (Shakespeare) a young lamb, also WEANEL, WEANLING, YEANLING.
ENDLANGendlang adv. (Provincial, Northern England) Lengthways; along.
ENDLANG adv. (Scots) endlong, lengthwise, also ENDLONG.
ENDLONGendlong prep. Along (as opposed to across), from end to end of.
endlong adv. From end to end.
endlong adv. Continuously.
GENNELSgennels n. Plural of gennel.
GENNEL n. a narrow alley between high buildings, also GINNEL.
GINNELSginnels n. Plural of ginnel.
GINNEL n. a narrow alley, also GENNEL.
GUNNELSgunnels n. Plural of gunnel.
Gunnels prop.n. A surname.
GUNNEL n. a small eellike coast fish of the blenny family.
LEANINGleaning n. A tendency or propensity.
leaning v. Present participle of lean.
LEANING n. a tendency.
LENDINGlending adj. That lends.
lending n. The action of, or an instance of the action of the verb to lend.
lending v. Present participle of lend.
LENGINGLENG v. to tarry.
LENSINGlensing v. Present participle of lens.
lensing n. The focussing of light as if by a lens.
lensing n. (Slang) The process of shooting a film.
NEALINGnealing v. Present participle of neal.
NEAL v. an aphetic form of anneal, to heat and cool metal gradually to temper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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