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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing E, G, I, O and U

BOUGIESbougies n. Plural of bougie.
Bougies prop.n. Plural of Bougie.
BOUGIE n. (French) a wax candle; a flexible medical instrument for insertion into body passages.
ELOGIUMelogium n. A eulogy.
ELOGIUM n. (Latin) a funeral oration, also ELOGE, ELOGY.
EULOGIAeulogia n. (Christianity, historical) The practice of sending the consecrated Eucharist to those not present, or…
eulogia n. (Rare) plural of eulogy.
EULOGIA n. (Latin) a blessing; holy bread.
GHOULIEghoulie n. (Informal) ghoul (ghostly spirit).
ghoulie n. (Bridge) contract bridge in which only goulash hands are played (usually used in the plural).
ghoulie n. (Informal, UK, in the plural) testicles.
GOUTIERgoutier adj. Comparative form of gouty: more gouty.
GOUTY adj. affected with gout.
GROUPIEgroupie n. A fan, especially a young female fan of a male singer or rock group; a person who seeks intimacy (most…
groupie n. A group photo including the photographer; a group self-portrait.
groupie n. (Military, slang) A group captain.
IGNEOUSigneous adj. Pertaining to or having the nature of fire; containing fire; resembling fire.
igneous adj. (Geology) Resulting from, or produced by, great heat. With rocks, it could also mean formed from lava or magma.
IGNEOUS adj. of rock, formed by cooling and consolidation of magma.
MEOUINGmeouing v. Present participle of meou.
MEOU v. to make the sound of a crying cat, also MEOW, MIAOU, MIAOW, MIAUL.
OUGLIEDOUGLIE v. to make ugly, also OUGHLY.
OUGLIESOUGLIE v. to make ugly, also OUGHLY.
OUTGIVEoutgive v. (Transitive) To surpass in giving; to give more than.
OUTGIVE v. to give more than.
PIROGUEpirogue n. A canoe of shallow draft, made by hollowing a log.
pirogue n. A small flat-bottom boat of shallow draft.
pirogue n. (Cajun cooking) A boat-shaped food that is stuffed with seafood.
ROGUIERROGUY adj. roguish.
ROUGHIEroughie n. Alternative form of roughy (“type of fish”).
roughie n. (Film, slang) A film portraying rough sex.
ROUGHIE n. a dry bough used as a torch, also ROUGHY.
SEGUGIOSEGUGIO n. (Italian) an Italian breed of dog.
TOUGHIEtoughie n. (Informal) Something that is tough, or difficult.
toughie n. Someone or something that is strong and resilient.
toughie n. A tough; Someone or something that acts as a thug or bully.
VOGUIERVOGUEY adj. in vogue.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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