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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 16 seven-letter words containing E, G, I and 2M

GAMMIERgammier adj. Comparative form of gammy: more gammy.
GAMMY adj. lame, maimed.
GEMMIERgemmier adj. Comparative form of gemmy: more gemmy.
GEMMY adj. resembling a gem.
GEMMILYgemmily adv. In a gemmy manner.
GEMMY adv. resembling a gem.
GEMMINGgemming v. Present participle of gem.
GEM v. to adorn with gems.
GIMMERSgimmers n. Plural of gimmer.
GIMMER n. (Scots) a young ewe.
GIMMIESGIMMIE n. an easy golf putt conceded to an opponent, also GIMME.
GLIMMERglimmer n. A faint light; a dim glow.
glimmer n. A flash of light.
glimmer n. A faint or remote possibility.
GREMMIEgremmie n. (Surfing, slang) Alternative form of gremmy (“a young surfer”).
GREMMIE n. an inexperienced surfer, also GREMMY.
GRIMMERgrimmer adj. Comparative form of grim: more grim.
Grimmer prop.n. A surname.
GRIM adj. stern and unrelenting.
GUMMIERgummier adj. Comparative form of gummy: more gummy.
GUMMY adj. resembling gum.
GUMMIESgummies n. Plural of gummy.
GUMMY n. a kind of small shark.
GUMMITEgummite n. (Mineralogy) A yellow, amorphous mineral, a mixture of oxides and silicates of uranium, formed by weathering…
GUMMITE n. a hydrated oxide of uranium and lead, like gum in appearance.
HEMMINGhemming v. Present participle of hem.
hemming n. The act of saying "hem", in intermission or hesitation of speech.
Hemming prop.n. A surname.
IMMERGEimmerge v. (Transitive) To plunge into, under, or within anything, especially a fluid; to dip; to immerse.
immerge v. (Intransitive) To disappear by entering into any medium, as a star into the light of the sun.
IMMERGE v. to plunge into a liquid, also IMMERSE.
LEMMINGlemming n. A small Arctic and Subarctic rodent from any of six genera of similar rodents.
lemming n. (Figuratively) Any member of a group given to conformity or groupthink, especially a group poised to…
LEMMING n. (Norwegian) a small short-tailed Arctic rodent.
MEGRIMSmegrims n. Chiefly preceded by the: depression, low spirits, unhappiness.
megrims n. (Veterinary medicine) Any of various diseases of animals, especially horses, marked by a disturbance…
megrims n. Plural of megrim.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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