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There are 19 seven-letter words containing E, 2G and 2R

BRAGGERbragger n. A person who brags.
bragger adj. Comparative form of brag: more brag.
BRAGGER n. one who brags.
CRAGGERcragger n. (Informal) A mountaineer.
CRAGGER n. a member of a carbon reduction action group.
DRAGGERdragger n. Something that drags.
dragger n. (Nautical) A trawler.
dragger n. One who takes part in drag racing.
DRUGGERdrugger n. (Obsolete) A druggist.
DRUGGER n. one who drugs.
FRIGGERfrigger n. An object crafted for the personal amusement of craftsmen, their friends and family.
frigger n. (Mild, swear word, slang, euphemistic) A fucker.
frigger n. (Slang) Someone who frigs.
GARGLERgargler n. One who gargles.
GARGLER n. one who garglers.
GORGERSgorgers n. Plural of gorger.
GORGER n. one who gorges.
GRANGERgranger n. (US) A member of the Grange, National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry, an association representing farmers.
granger n. (Obsolete) A farm steward.
Granger prop.n. An English surname originating as an occupation for a granger (farm bailiff).
GRUDGERgrudger n. Someone who holds a grudge.
GRUDGER n. one who grudges.
GRUNGERgrunger n. (Britain) Someone who appreciates grunge culture.
GRUNGER n. a fan of a style of rock music and associated fashions.
PRIGGERPRIGGER n. one who prigs, a thief.
PROGGERprogger n. (Music) A progressive rocker.
PROGGER n. one who progs, wanders about and begs.
RAGGERYraggery n. Rags; ragged clothing.
RAGGERY n. rags collectively.
RAGGIERraggier adj. Comparative form of raggy: more raggy.
RAGGY adj. tattered.
REGORGEregorge v. To disgorge or vomit.
regorge v. To swallow again; to swallow back.
REGORGE v. to disgorge; to regurgitate.
RIGGERSriggers n. Plural of rigger.
RIGGER n. one who rigs e.g. ships.
RUGGERSruggers n. Plural of rugger.
RUGGER n. a form of football, also RUGBY.
RUGGIERRUGGY adj. rough and uneven.
TRIGGERtrigger n. (Firearms) A finger-operated lever used to fire a gun.
trigger n. A similar device used to activate any mechanism.
trigger n. An event that initiates others, or incites a response.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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