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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing E, 2G, I and O

BEGOINGbegoing v. Present participle of bego.
BEGO v. to beset.
BOGGIERboggier adj. Comparative form of boggy: more boggy.
BOGGY adj. like a bog.
COGGIESCOGGIE n. (Scots) a small wooden bowl, also COGIE, COGUE.
DOGGIERdoggier adj. Comparative form of doggy: more doggy.
DOGGY adj. resembling a dog.
DOGGIESdoggies n. Plural of doggie.
doggies n. Plural of doggy.
DOGGIE n. a small dog, also DOGGY.
FOGGIERfoggier adj. Comparative form of foggy: more foggy.
FOGGY adj. filled with fog.
GEORGICgeorgic n. A rural poem; a poetical composition on husbandry, containing rules for cultivating land, etc.
georgic adj. Relating to rural affairs.
GEORGIC n. (Latin) a poem on husbandry or rural affairs.
ISAGOGEisagoge n. An introduction, especially (particularly capitalized) Porphyry’s introduction to the works of Aristotle.
ISAGOGE n. (Greek) an academic introduction to a subject.
LOGGIERLOGGY adj. sluggish, also LOGY.
MOGGIESmoggies n. Plural of moggy.
moggies n. Plural of moggie.
MOGGY n. a cat, also MOGGIE.
SEGUGIOSEGUGIO n. (Italian) an Italian breed of dog.
SOGGIERsoggier adj. Comparative form of soggy: more soggy.
SOGGY adj. heavy with moisture.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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