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There are 17 seven-letter words containing E, F, N, T and U

CONFUTEconfute v. (Transitive, now rare) To show (something or someone) to be false or wrong; to disprove or refute.
CONFUTE v. to disprove or overcome through argument.
DEFUNCTdefunct adj. (Now rare) Deceased, dead.
defunct adj. No longer in use or active, nor expected to be again.
defunct adj. (Computing) Specifically, of a process: having terminated but not having been reaped (by its parent…
FLUENTSfluents n. Plural of fluent.
FLUENT n. the variable quantity in fluxions.
FORTUNEfortune n. Destiny, especially favorable.
fortune n. A prediction or set of predictions about a person’s future provided by a fortune teller.
fortune n. A small slip of paper with wise or vaguely prophetic words printed on it, baked into a fortune cookie.
FULGENTfulgent adj. Shining brilliantly; radiant.
FULGENT adj. shining brightly, also FULGID.
FUNFESTfunfest n. (Informal, US) A fun event.
FUNFEST n. a party for fun.
FUNNESTfunnest adj. (Nonstandard) superlative degree of fun.
FUN adj. providing enjoyment.
FUNSTERfunster n. (Colloquial, humorous or childish) A fun person.
FUNSTER n. a prankster; a person who causes merriment.
NESTFULnestful n. As much or many as will fill a nest.
NESTFUL n. enough to fill a nest.
NETFULSnetfuls n. Plural of netful.
NETFUL n. enough to fill a net.
NETSURFnetsurf v. To surf the Internet.
NETSURF v. to browse the internet for information.
TEENFULteenful adj. (Poetic, dialectal, archaic or obsolete) Full of grief; harmful; afflicted; troublesome; vexatious.
TEENFUL adj. filled with grief.
TENTFULtentful n. As much as a tent will hold.
TENTFUL n. as much as a tent can hold.
TUNEFULtuneful adj. Having or producing a pleasing tune; melodic or melodious.
TUNEFUL adj. melodious.
TURFMENturfmen n. Plural of turfman.
TURFMAN n. a person who is devoted to horse racing.
UNCLEFTuncleft adj. Not cleft.
uncleft n. (Nonstandard) atom.
UNCLEFT adj. not cleft.
UNOFTENunoften adv. Seldom, rarely.
UNOFTEN adv. seldom.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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