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There are 19 seven-letter words containing E, F, L and 2T

FETTLEDfettled v. Simple past tense and past participle of fettle.
FETTLE v. to potter fussily about.
FETTLERfettler n. A person who maintains railway lines.
fettler n. Someone whose job is to sand and grind small imperfections from metal and ceramic castings.
fettler n. (By extension) Someone who fiddles or tinkers with things.
FETTLESfettles n. Plural of fettle.
fettles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fettle.
FETTLE v. to potter fussily about.
FLATLETflatlet n. (Britain) A very small flat (apartment).
FLATLET n. a type of apartment.
FLATTEDflatted v. Simple past tense and past participle of flat.
FLAT v. to make flat.
FLATTENflatten v. (Transitive) To make something flat or flatter.
flatten v. (Reflexive) To press one’s body tightly against a surface, such as a wall or floor, especially in order…
flatten v. (Transitive) To knock down or lay low.
FLATTERflatter adj. Comparative form of flat: more flat.
flatter v. To compliment someone, often (but not necessarily) insincerely and sometimes to win favour.
flatter v. To enhance someone’s vanity by praising them.
FLATTIEflattie n. Alternative form of flatty.
flattie n. (Informal) A flat white (type of coffee).
flattie n. (South Africa) A flat marinated cut of meat.
FLETTONfletton n. A clay brick.
Fletton prop.n. A suburban area, Old Fletton and New Fletton, in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England (OS grid ref TL1997).
FLETTON n. a type of brick made near Fletton in Cambridgeshire, of a mottled yellow and pink colour.
FLITTEDflitted v. Simple past tense and past participle of flit.
FLIT v. to move lightly and swiftly.
FLITTERflitter v. To scatter in pieces.
flitter v. To move about rapidly and nimbly.
flitter v. To move quickly from one condition or location to another.
FLUTTERflutter v. (Intransitive) To flap or wave quickly but irregularly.
flutter v. (Intransitive) Of a winged animal: to flap the wings without flying; to fly with a light flapping of the wings.
flutter v. (Intransitive, aerodynamics) To undergo divergent oscillations (potentially to the point of causing…
FONTLETfontlet n. (Archaic) A small font (receptacle for holy water).
FONTLET n. a little font.
FORTLETfortlet n. A little fort.
FORTLET n. a little fort.
LEFTESTleftest adj. Superlative form of left: most left.
leftest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple past form of leave.
LEFT adj. pertaining to the side to the north when one faces east.
LEFTISTleftist n. (Politics, generally) A person who holds views associated with the political left.
leftist n. (Politics, specifically) Someone who holds socialist or communist-leaning economic views, usually alongside…
leftist adj. Of or pertaining to the political left.
OUTFELToutfelt v. Simple past tense and past participle of outfeel.
OUTFEEL v. to surpass in feeling.
TENTFULtentful n. As much as a tent will hold.
TENTFUL n. as much as a tent can hold.
TWELFTHtwelfth adj. The ordinal form of the number twelve, describing a person or thing in position number 12 of a sequence.
twelfth n. One of twelve equal parts of a whole.
twelfth n. (Music) An interval equal to an octave plus a fifth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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