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There are 19 seven-letter words containing E, F, L, N and T

FELTINGfelting v. Present participle of felt.
felting n. The production of felt from wool.
felting n. The tangling of woolen fibres (such as when an article of clothing is washed at too high a temperature).
FLATTENflatten v. (Transitive) To make something flat or flatter.
flatten v. (Reflexive) To press one’s body tightly against a surface, such as a wall or floor, especially in order…
flatten v. (Transitive) To knock down or lay low.
FLETTONfletton n. A clay brick.
Fletton prop.n. A suburban area, Old Fletton and New Fletton, in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England (OS grid ref TL1997).
FLETTON n. a type of brick made near Fletton in Cambridgeshire, of a mottled yellow and pink colour.
FLINTEDflinted v. Simple past tense and past participle of flint.
FLINT v. to provide with a spark-producing rock.
FLUENTSfluents n. Plural of fluent.
FLUENT n. the variable quantity in fluxions.
FONTLETfontlet n. (Archaic) A small font (receptacle for holy water).
FONTLET n. a little font.
FORLENTforlent v. Simple past tense and past participle of forlend.
FORLEND v. (archaic) to grant or resign beforehand, also FORELEND.
FULGENTfulgent adj. Shining brilliantly; radiant.
FULGENT adj. shining brightly, also FULGID.
INFLATEinflate v. (Transitive) To enlarge an object by pushing air (or a gas) into it; to raise or expand abnormally.
inflate v. (Intransitive) To enlarge by filling with air (or a gas).
inflate v. (Figurative) To swell; to puff up.
INFLECTinflect v. (Transitive) To cause to curve inwards.
inflect v. (Transitive, music) To change the tone or pitch of the voice when speaking or singing.
inflect v. (Transitive, grammar) To vary the form of a word to express tense, gender, number, mood, etc.
LIFTMENliftmen n. Plural of liftman.
LIFTMAN n. a person who operates a lift, also LIFTBOY.
NESTFULnestful n. As much or many as will fill a nest.
NESTFUL n. enough to fill a nest.
NETFULSnetfuls n. Plural of netful.
NETFUL n. enough to fill a net.
TEENFULteenful adj. (Poetic, dialectal, archaic or obsolete) Full of grief; harmful; afflicted; troublesome; vexatious.
TEENFUL adj. filled with grief.
TEFLONSTEFLON n. (tradename) a nonstick surface used in cooking utensils.
TENFOLDtenfold adj. Containing ten parts.
tenfold adj. Ten times as much.
tenfold adv. By ten times as much.
TENTFULtentful n. As much as a tent will hold.
TENTFUL n. as much as a tent can hold.
TUNEFULtuneful adj. Having or producing a pleasing tune; melodic or melodious.
TUNEFUL adj. melodious.
UNCLEFTuncleft adj. Not cleft.
uncleft n. (Nonstandard) atom.
UNCLEFT adj. not cleft.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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