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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing E, F, L, M and U

BEFLUMSBEFLUM v. (Scott) to befool, cajole.
FLUMPEDflumped v. Simple past tense and past participle of flump.
FLUMP v. to fall or move heavily.
FRUMPLEfrumple v. (Transitive) To wrinkle; crumple; ruffle; disorder.
frumple n. A wrinkle.
FRUMPLE v. (dialect) to wrinkle.
FULMINEfulmine v. (Archaic) To thunder or lightning.
fulmine v. (Archaic, figurative) To utter with authority or vehemence; fulminate.
FULMINE v. (Spenser) to explode loudly.
FULSOMEfulsome adj. Offensive to good taste, tactless, overzealous, excessive.
fulsome adj. Excessively flattering (connoting insincerity).
fulsome adj. Marked by fullness; abundant, copious.
FUMBLEDfumbled v. Simple past tense and past participle of fumble.
FUMBLE v. to handle clumsily.
FUMBLERfumbler n. Agent noun of fumble: one who fumbles.
FUMBLER n. one who fumbles.
FUMBLESfumbles n. Plural of fumble.
FUMBLE v. to handle clumsily.
MAZEFULmazeful adj. (Obsolete) Causing amazement; wonderful.
mazeful adj. Mazy.
mazeful n. A quantity that fills or forms a maze.
MUFFLEDmuffled v. Simple past tense and past participle of muffle.
muffled adj. (Of a sound) Stifled or covered up; diminished by interference.
MUFFLE v. to dull the sound of.
MUFFLERmuffler n. (US, automotive) Part of the exhaust pipe of a car that dampens the noise the engine produces.
muffler n. A silencer or suppressor fitted to a gun.
muffler n. A type of scarf.
MUFFLESmuffles n. Plural of muffle.
muffles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of muffle.
MUFFLE v. to dull the sound of.
MUSEFULmuseful adj. Meditative; thoughtfully silent.
MUSEFUL adj. meditative; thoughtfully silent.
TEEMFULteemful adj. (Obsolete) Pregnant; prolific.
teemful adj. (Obsolete) Brimful.
TEEMFUL adj. pregnant; prolific.
WAMEFULwameful n. (Scotland, Northern England) A bellyful.
WAMEFUL n. a bellyful, also WAMEFOU.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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