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There are 20 seven-letter words containing E, F, I, T and U

FATIGUEfatigue n. A weariness caused by exertion; exhaustion.
fatigue n. (Often in the plural) A menial task or tasks, especially in the military.
fatigue n. (Engineering) Weakening and eventual failure of material, typically by cracking leading to complete…
FEUDISTfeudist n. One who takes part in feuds.
feudist n. A writer about feuds; a person versed in feudal law.
FEUDIST n. a writer on feuds; a person versed in feudal law.
FIXTUREfixture n. (Law) Something that is fixed in place, especially a permanent appliance or other item of personal property…
fixture n. A regular patron of a place or institution; a person constantly present at a certain place.
fixture n. A lighting unit; a luminaire.
FLUIESTFLUEY adj. infected with the flu.
FLUTIERflutier adj. Comparative form of fluty: more fluty.
FLUTY adj. resembling a flute in sound, also FLUTEY.
FRITUREFRITURE n. (French) a dish of fried food.
FRUITEDfruited v. Simple past tense and past participle of fruit.
fruited adj. Containing fruit; bearing fruit.
FRUIT v. to produce an edible part of a plant.
FRUITERfruiter n. Any organism that fruits.
fruiter n. (Historical) A ship for transporting fruit.
fruiter n. (Slang, derogatory) A homosexual man.
FUMETTIfumetti n. Plural of fumetto.
FUMETTO n. (Italian) a cartoon or comic strip.
FUMIESTfumiest adj. Superlative form of fumy: most fumy.
FUMY adj. full of fumes, also FUMOUS.
FURTIVEfurtive adj. Of a thing: done with evasive or guilty secrecy.
furtive adj. Of a thing: that has been acquired by theft; stolen; also (generally) taken stealthily.
furtive adj. Of a person or an animal: sly, stealthy.
FUSTIERfustier adj. Comparative form of fusty: more fusty.
FUSTY adj. old-fashioned; musty, also FOUSTY.
FUTILERFUTILE adj. ineffective.
OUTFIREoutfire n. (Sussex) A visit by one bonfire society to join in with the celebrations of another.
outfire v. (Transitive) To fire farther or better than.
OUTFIRE v. to surpass in firing.
SULFITEsulfite n. (American spelling, inorganic chemistry) Any salt of sulfurous acid.
SULFITE n. a salt of sulphurous acid, also SULPHITE.
SURFEITsurfeit n. (Countable) An excessive amount of something.
surfeit n. (Uncountable) Overindulgence in either food or drink; overeating.
surfeit n. (Countable) A sickness or condition caused by overindulgence.
TUBIFEXtubifex n. Any member of the genus Tubifex of tubificid annelids, some of which are used to feed fish in freshwater aquaria.
Tubifex prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Naididae – certain annelids.
TUBIFEX n. a freshwater tubicolous worm used as bait.
TUFTIERtuftier adj. Comparative form of tufty: more tufty.
TUFTY adj. abounding in tufts.
TURFIERturfier adj. Comparative form of turfy: more turfy.
TURFY adj. covered with turf.
TURFITEturfite n. (Colloquial, dated) A horse racing enthusiast.
turfite n. (Colloquial, dated) A blackleg, or notorious gambler.
TURFITE n. a devotee of horse racing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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