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There are 20 seven-letter words containing E, F, 2I and T

DEFICITdeficit n. Deficiency in amount or quality; a falling short; lack.
deficit n. A situation wherein, or amount whereby, spending exceeds (e.g. government) revenue.
DEFICIT n. an inadequacy or insufficiency.
FICTILEfictile adj. Capable of being molded into the shape of an artifact or art work.
fictile adj. (Of an art work or artifact) Molded of clay or earth.
fictile adj. (Pottery) Of or relating to earthenware.
FICTIVEfictive adj. Having the characteristics of fiction: fictional.
fictive adj. Resulting from imaginative creation: fanciful or invented.
fictive adj. Being feigned, ingenuine or unreal.
FIDEISTfideist n. A subscriber to fideism.
FIDEIST n. a believer in fideism, the doctrine that knowledge depends on faith over reason.
FIFTIESfifties n. Plural of fifty.
fifties n. The decade of the 1850s, 1950s, etc.
fifties n. The decade of one’s life from age 50 through age 59.
FIKIESTFIKY adj. (Scots) fidgeting and restless, also FIKISH.
FILIATEfiliate v. (Transitive) To adopt as son or daughter.
filiate v. (Transitive) To establish filiation between.
FILIATE v. to bring into close association.
FINITESFINITE n. a verb limited by person, number, tense or mood.
FIRELITfirelit adj. Illuminated by a fire.
FIRELIT adj. lit by firelight.
FIREPITfirepit n. A pit dug in the ground, or constructed from stones, in which a fire is made, principally for cooking.
fire␣pit n. Alternative spelling of firepit.
FIREPIT n. a depression dug in the ground in which a fire is made.
FISTIERFISTY adj. like a fist.
FITLIERfitlier adv. (Rare, literary) comparative form of fitly: more fitly.
FITLY adv. in a fit manner.
IFFIESTiffiest adj. Superlative form of iffy: most iffy.
IFFY adj. full of uncertainty.
NIFTIERniftier adj. Comparative form of nifty: more nifty.
NIFTY adj. apt, agile; stylish.
NIFTIESnifties n. Plural of nifty.
NIFTY n. a joke, a witty remark or story.
RIFTIERRIFTY adj. having fissures.
SEMIFITsemifit adj. Somewhat physically fit.
SEMIFIT adj. conforming somewhat to the lines of the body.
STIFFIEstiffie n. Alternative form of stiffy.
STIFFIE n. (vulgar slang) an erect penis, also STIFFY.
SWIFTIEswiftie n. Someone or something that moves swiftly.
swiftie n. Alternative form of Tom Swifty.
Swiftie n. (Slang) A fan of American singer-songwriter and actress Taylor Swift.
WIFTIERWIFTY adj. ditsy, amiably eccentric.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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