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There are 17 seven-letter words containing E, F, 2I and N

FEMINIEFEMINIE n. women collectively.
FINEISHfineish adj. Somewhat fine; of quite good quality or appearance.
fineish adj. Somewhat fine; of reasonable thinness or small granularity.
FINEISH adj. somewhat fine.
FINISESFINIS n. (Latin) the end, the conclusion.
FINITESFINITE n. a verb limited by person, number, tense or mood.
FINLIKEfinlike adj. Resembling a fin, especially in shape.
fin-like adj. Alternative form of finlike.
FINLIKE adj. like a fin.
FINNIERfinnier adj. Comparative form of finny: more finny.
FINNY adj. having fins.
FIVEPINfivepin n. Any of the bottle-shaped targets with rubber rings around them that are used in fivepin bowling.
five-pin n. (Bowling) five-pin bowling (played only in Canada).
FIVEPIN adj. used for playing fivepins.
INFIDELinfidel adj. Rejecting a specific religion.
infidel adj. Of, characteristic of, or relating to unbelievers or unbelief.
infidel n. (Now usually derogatory) One who does not believe in a certain religion.
INFIELDinfield n. The area inside a racetrack or running track.
infield n. A constrained scope or area.
infield n. (Agriculture) An area to cultivate: a field.
INFIXEDinfixed v. Simple past tense and past participle of infix.
INFIX v. to fix in, also ENFIX.
INFIXESinfixes n. Plural of infix.
infixes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of infix.
INFIX v. to fix in, also ENFIX.
NIFFIERniffier adj. Comparative form of niffy: more niffy.
NIFFY adj. smelly.
NIFTIERniftier adj. Comparative form of nifty: more nifty.
NIFTY adj. apt, agile; stylish.
NIFTIESnifties n. Plural of nifty.
NIFTY n. a joke, a witty remark or story.
UNIFIEDunified v. Simple past tense and past participle of unify.
unified adj. United into a whole.
unified adj. That operates as a single entity.
UNIFIERunifier n. Agent noun of unify; one who unifies.
UNIFIER n. something or someone that unifies.
UNIFIESunifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unify.
UNIFY v. to make into a coherent whole.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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