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There are 19 seven-letter words containing E, F, H, I and T

FAITHEDfaithed adj. (Obsolete) Having faith or a faith; honest; sincere.
faithed adj. Having faith of a specified quality or type.
FAITH v. to believe or trust.
FAITHERFAITHER n. (Scots) father.
FETICHEfetiche n. Archaic form of fetish.
FETICHE n. a fixation, also FETISH, FETICH.
FIGHTERfighter n. A person who fights; a combatant.
fighter n. A warrior; a fighting soldier.
fighter n. A pugnacious, competitive person.
FINTECHfintech n. (Uncountable) Financial technology, that is, technology (usually information technology) that is focused on finance.
fintech n. (Countable) A company in the finance sector, such as one dealing with payments, fundraising or loans.
Fintech n. Alternative letter-case form of fintech.
FISHNETfishnet n. (Countable) A net used to catch fish.
fishnet n. (Uncountable) A fabric with an open diamond-shaped structure; normally used for stockings etc.
fishnet n. (Countable, usually in the plural) Stockings made of fishnet fabric.
FITCHEEfitchee adj. Alternative form of fitchy.
fitchée adj. Alternative form of fitchy.
FITCHEE adj. in heraldry, coming to a point, also FITCHY, FITCHE.
FITCHESfitches n. Plural of fitch.
Fitches prop.n. Plural of Fitch.
FITCH n. a polecat, also FITCHET, FITCHEW.
FITCHETfitchet n. (Obsolete) The fitchew, or polecat.
FITCHET n. a polecat, also FITCH, FITCHEW.
FITCHEWfitchew n. (Obsolete) polecat.
Fitchew prop.n. A surname originating as a patronymic.
FITCHEW n. a polecat, also FITCH, FITCHET.
FREIGHTfreight n. (Uncountable) The transportation of goods (originally by water; now also (chiefly US) by land); also…
freight n. (Uncountable) Goods or items in transport; cargo, luggage.
freight n. (Countable) Payment for transportation.
HEFTIERheftier adj. Comparative form of hefty: more hefty.
HEFTY adj. big of build.
HEFTILYheftily adv. In a hefty manner.
HEFTY adv. big of build.
HEFTINGhefting v. Present participle of heft.
HEFT v. to lift up, feel the weight of.
LEFTISHleftish adj. (Politics) Leaning towards the political left.
LEFTISH adj. inclined to the left.
REFIGHTrefight v. To fight again.
REFIGHT v. to fight again.
SHIFTEDshifted v. Simple past tense and past participle of shift.
SHIFT v. to move from one position to another.
SHIFTERshifter n. One who, or that which, shifts or changes.
shifter n. (Linguistics) A word whose meaning changes depending on the situation, as by deixis.
shifter n. (Dated) One who plays tricks or practices artifice; a cozener.
WHIFFETwhiffet n. A little whiff or puff.
WHIFFET n. a paltry person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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