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There are 13 seven-letter words containing 2E, O, P and U

COUPEEScoupees n. Plural of coupee.
COUPEE n. (French) a salute to one's partner in dancing.
EELPOUTeelpout n. Any fish of the family Zoarcidae.
eelpout n. (Obsolete) A yellow flower of uncertain type, possibly the eel-ware, Ranunculus fluitans.
EELPOUT n. a kind of fish, aka burbot.
ESPOUSEespouse v. (Transitive) To become/get married to.
espouse v. (Transitive) To accept, support, or take on as one’s own (an idea or a cause).
ESPOUSE v. to make a mutual promise of marriage.
EUPHROEeuphroe n. (Nautical) A long wooden slat, with holes for cords, that holds up an awning.
EUPHROE n. (Dutch) the wooden block through which the lines of a crowfoot are rove, also UPHROE.
EUPNOEAeupnoea n. Alternative spelling of eupnea.
eupnœa n. Alternative spelling of eupnea.
EUPNOEA n. normal breathing, also EUPNEA.
OUTKEEPoutkeep v. (Transitive) To keep or last, without spoiling, longer than.
OUTKEEP v. to surpass in keeping.
OUTPEEPoutpeep v. (Archaic, poetic, intransitive) To peep out.
outpeep n. (Archaic, poetic) A peeping or glancing outward.
OUTPEEP v. to peep out.
OUTPEERoutpeer v. (Transitive) To excel or surpass.
OUTPEER v. (Shakespeare) to surpass, excel.
OUTWEEPoutweep v. (Transitive) To weep more than.
OUTWEEP v. to weep more than.
POSEUSEposeuse n. A female poseur.
POSEUSE n. (French) a female poseur.
RECOUPErecoupe v. Archaic form of recoup.
recoupé adj. (Heraldry) subdivided.
RECOUPE n. the act of keeping back or withholding something which is legally due to someone.
TOUPEEDtoupeed adj. Wearing a toupee.
TOUPEED adj. having a toupee.
TOUPEEStoupees n. Plural of toupee.
toupées n. Plural of toupée.
TOUPEE n. (French) a hairpiece worn to cover a bald spot, also TOUPET.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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