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There are 15 seven-letter words containing 2E, M, T and U

AMPUTEEamputee n. A person who has had one or more limbs removed.
AMPUTEE n. one who has had a limb amputated.
EMBRUTEembrute v. Alternative form of imbrute.
EMBRUTE v. (archaic) to degrade to the state of a brute, also IMBRUTE.
EMEUTESemeutes n. Plural of emeute.
émeutes n. Plural of émeute.
EMEUTE n. (French) a popular rising or uproar.
EMULATEemulate v. (Now rare) To attempt to equal or be the same as.
emulate v. To copy or imitate, especially a person.
emulate v. (Obsolete) To feel a rivalry with; to be jealous of, to envy.
FUMETTEfumette n. The stench or high flavour of game or other meat when kept long.
FUMETTE n. (French) the scent of game when high, also FEWMET, FUMET.
GUMTREEgumtree n. Alternative spelling of gum tree.
gum␣tree n. A eucalyptus tree, including trees now placed in the genera Angophora and Corymbia.
gum␣tree n. Sapium glandulosum, found from northern Argentina to southern Mexico.
MUSETTEmusette n. (Music).
musette n. (Chiefly US, originally military) In full musette bag: a small bag or knapsack with a shoulder strap…
MUSETTE n. (French) a small bagpipe formerly in use, having a soft and sweet tone.
MUSTEESmustees n. Plural of mustee.
mustees n. Alternative form of mustee.
MUSTEE n. in the West Indies, the offspring of a white person and a quadroon, aka octoroon, also MESTEE.
PERMUTEpermute v. (Transitive) change the order of.
permute v. (Transitive, mathematics) make a permutation of.
PERMUTE v. to alter the order, sequence, or arrangement of, also PERMUTATE.
TEEMFULteemful adj. (Obsolete) Pregnant; prolific.
teemful adj. (Obsolete) Brimful.
TEEMFUL adj. pregnant; prolific.
TEGUMENTEGUMEN n. (Latin) the inner covering of a seed, also TEGMEN.
TRUEMENTRUEMAN n. (archaic) an honest man.
TUMESCEtumesce v. (Intransitive) To become tumescent; to expand or inflate.
TUMESCE v. to swell.
UMPTEENumpteen det. (Informal, often slightly derogatory) Relatively large but unspecified in number.
UMPTEEN adj. denoting an indefinitely large number, also UMPTY.
UNMETEDunmeted adj. Not having been meted.
UNMETED adj. not meted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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