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There are 18 seven-letter words containing 2E, M, O and P

COMPEERcompeer n. (Obsolete) The equal or peer of someone else; a close companion or associate.
compeer v. To be equal with; to match.
COMPEER v. to be the equal of.
COMPEREcompere n. (Chiefly British, Ireland) A master of ceremonies, especially for a television, variety, or quiz show.
compere v. (Intransitive, transitive) To emcee, to act as compere.
Compere prop.n. A surname.
COMPETEcompete v. To be in battle or in a rivalry with another for the same thing, position, or reward; to contend.
compete v. To be in a position in which it is possible to win or triumph.
compete v. To take part in a contest, game or similar event.
EMPERORemperor n. The male monarch or ruler of an empire.
emperor n. Any monarch ruling an empire, irrespective of gender, with "empress" contrasting to mean the consort of an emperor.
emperor n. (Political theory) Specifically, the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire; the world-monarch.
EMPLOYEemploye n. (Chiefly US) Dated form of employee.
employé n. Dated form of employee.
EMPLOYE n. a person employed, also EMPLOYEE.
EMPOWERempower v. (Transitive) To give permission, power, or the legal right to do something.
empower v. (Transitive) To give someone more confidence and/or strength to do something, often by enabling them…
EMPOWER v. to authorize, also IMPOWER.
EPISOMEepisome n. (Cytology) A segment of DNA that can exist and replicate either autonomously in the cytoplasm or as…
episome n. Synonym of epitheca.
EPISOME n. a genetically active particle found in bacteria.
EPITOMEepitome n. The embodiment or encapsulation of a class of items.
epitome n. A representative example.
epitome n. The height; the best; the most vivid.
LEPTOMEleptome n. The portion of the mestome that transports food substances.
LEPTOME n. phloem or bast.
METOPAEmetopae n. Plural of metopa.
METOPE n. (Greek) a space between two triglyphs.
METOPESmetopes n. Plural of metope.
METOPE n. (Greek) a space between two triglyphs.
PHENOMEphenome n. The whole set of phenotypic entities in a cell, tissue, organ, organisms, and species. This includes…
PHENOME n. the complete set of phenotypes of an individual or group.
PHONEMEphoneme n. An indivisible unit of sound in a given language. A phoneme is an abstraction of the physical speech…
PHONEME n. the smallest significant unit of sound in a language.
PLEROMEplerome n. (Botany) The central column of parenchyma in a growing stem or root. According to the histogen theory…
PLEROME n. (Greek) part of a plant responsible for growth.
POMMELEPOMMELE adj. having a heraldic pommel, also POMMETTY.
PREMOVEpremove n. (Internet chess) On certain chess websites: a move set during the opponent’s turn which is played automatically…
premove v. (Internet chess) To make a premove.
premove v. (Philosophy, theology, rare) To incite or cause someone to do something.
REPOMENrepo␣men n. Plural of repo man.
REPOMAN n. one who repossesses unpaid-for goods.
TEMPORETEMPORE adv. (Latin) in the time of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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