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There are 13 seven-letter words containing 2E, 2M and T

AMMETERammeter n. A device that measures the magnitude of an electric current, especially one calibrated in amperes.
am-meter n. Dated form of ammeter.
AMMETER n. an instrument for measuring amperage.
GEMMATEgemmate adj. (Botany) Having buds; reproducing by buds.
gemmate v. To deck with gems.
GEMMATE v. to reproduce by gemmae.
MEATMENmeatmen n. Plural of meatman.
MEATMAN n. a vendor of meat.
MELTEMImeltemi n. (Meteorology) A strong, dry, northerly, seasonal wind in the Aegean sea; etesian wind.
MELTEMI n. (Modern Greek) a northerly wind in the NE Mediterranean.
MEMENTOmemento n. A keepsake; an object kept as a reminder of a place or event.
MEMENTO n. (Latin) something kept or given as a reminder, also MOMENTO.
MEMETICmemetic adj. Of or pertaining to memes; pertaining to replication of concepts.
MEMETIC adj. of or like a meme.
MESTOMEmestome n. The conducting tissue, comprising leptome and hadrome, associated with the parenchyma of an organ.
MESTOME n. biological conducting tissue, also MESTOM.
METAMERmetamer n. (Chemistry) Any of a number of molecules that mutually exhibit metamerism.
metamer n. (Psychology) One of multiple physically distinct stimuli (particularly those of colour) that exhibit metamerism.
METAMER n. a compound metameric with another.
MISMEETmismeet v. To come together but fail to properly communicate or connect in positive ways.
mismeet v. To fail to properly satisfy or comply with.
MISMEET v. to meet under unfortunate circumstances.
STEMMEDstemmed adj. Having a stem.
stemmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of stem.
STEMME v. (Spenser) to encircle.
STEMMERstemmer n. (Computing, linguistics) Software used to produce the stem from the inflected form of words.
STEMMER n. a metal bar used to tamp down a charge in a blasting hole.
STEMMESstemmes n. Plural of stemme.
STEMME v. (Spenser) to encircle.
TAGMEMEtagmeme n. (Grammar, tagmemics) The smallest functional element in the grammatical structure of a sentence.
TAGMEME n. the analysis of arrangement of spoken elements.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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