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There are 14 seven-letter words containing 2E, L, O and U

AUREOLEaureole n. A circle of light or halo around the head of a deity or a saint.
aureole n. (By extension) Any luminous or colored ring that encircles something.
aureole n. (Astronomy) A corona.
BOUCLEEBOUCLEE n. (French) a loop made with forefinger and thumb to guide a billiard stick.
COULEEScoulees n. Plural of coulee.
coulées n. Plural of coulée.
COULEE n. (French) a lava-flow; a rocky ravine.
DELOUSEdelouse v. To remove lice from.
delouse v. To apply insecticides or insect repellents to, in order to be sure that no lice or other parasites are present.
delouse v. (Computing, transitive) To remove malicious software, such as viruses, trojans, spyware, or worms, from.
ECLOGUEeclogue n. A pastoral poem, often in the form of a shepherd’s monologue or a dialogue between shepherds.
ECLOGUE n. a pastoral poem, often in the form of a dialogue between shepherds, also AEGLOGUE.
EELPOUTeelpout n. Any fish of the family Zoarcidae.
eelpout n. (Obsolete) A yellow flower of uncertain type, possibly the eel-ware, Ranunculus fluitans.
EELPOUT n. a kind of fish, aka burbot.
ELOCUTEelocute v. (US, law) To state, assert or admit.
ELOCUTE v. to speak publicly.
EUGENOLeugenol n. (Chemistry) The aromatic compound with chemical formula C10H12O2, an allyl chain-substituted guaiacol…
EUGENOL n. an aromatic liquid.
EVOLUESévolués n. Plural of évolué.
EVOLUE n. (French) a primitive person improved by education.
EVOLUTEevolute n. (Geometry) A curve comprising the centres of curvature of another curve.
evolute adj. (Malacology) Having or being a (mollusc) spiral shell in which the whorls touch along a surface.
EVOLUTE v. to develop by evolution.
OUTFEELoutfeel v. (Transitive) To feel more accurately or more acutely than.
OUTFEEL v. to surpass in feeling.
TOLUENEtoluene n. (Organic chemistry) A colourless, inflammable liquid hydrocarbon, methylbenzene, CH3.C6H5, used as a…
TOLUENE n. a solvent derived from coal tar, also TOLUOL, TOLUOLE.
URODELEurodele n. (Zoology) Any caudate amphibian.
URODELE n. one of the Urodela, tailless amphibians, including newts and salamanders.
VELOUTEvelouté n. (Cooking) A mother sauce in French cuisine, consisting of a light stock thickened with a blond roux.
VELOUTE n. (French) a kind of sauce prepared from a white stock of chicken etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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