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There are 20 seven-letter words containing 2E, I, S and U

CUTESIEcutesie adj. Alternative spelling of cutesy.
CUTESIE adj. (US) affectedly cute, also CUTESY.
DISEUSEDISEUSE n. (French) a female diseur, a reciter.
ECURIESecuries n. Plural of ecurie.
ECURIE n. (French) a team of motor racing cars.
ELUSIVEelusive adj. Evading capture, comprehension or remembrance.
elusive adj. Difficult to make precise.
elusive adj. Rarely seen.
ENSUITEensuite n. A private bathroom connected to a bedroom, as in an apartment or hotel room.
ensuite adj. (Of a bathroom etc.) Connected to a bedroom.
ensuite adj. (Of a bedroom etc.) Connected to a ensuite bathroom.
EPUISEEEPUISEE adj. (French) exhausted (of a female).
EQUINESequines n. Plural of equine.
EQUINE n. a member of the horse family.
EQUIPESequipes n. Plural of equipe.
équipes n. Plural of équipe.
EQUIPE n. (French) in motor-racing and other sports, a team.
EQUITESequites n. Plural of eques.
EQUES n. (Latin) a member of the privileged military class of ancient Rome.
ESQUIREesquire n. A lawyer.
esquire n. A male member of the gentry ranking below a knight.
esquire n. An honorific sometimes placed after a man’s name.
ILEUSESileuses n. Plural of ileus.
ILEUS n. (Latin) an intestinal obstruction.
LEISUREleisure n. Freedom provided by the cessation of activities.
leisure n. Free time, time free from work or duties.
leisure n. Time at one’s command, free from engagement; convenient opportunity; hence, convenience; ease.
QUERIESqueries n. Plural of query.
queries v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of query.
QUERY v. to question.
QUIESCEquiesce v. Become quiet or quieter.
quiesce v. To make temporarily inactive or disabled.
quiesce v. (Computing, transitive) To pause or reduce the activity of (a device or application), for example to…
REISSUEreissue v. To issue again.
reissue v. To reprint a series of postage stamps from old plates.
reissue v. In patent law: to permit a patent with ministerial errors to be corrected and enforced for the remainder…
RESIDUEresidue n. Whatever remains after something else has been removed.
residue n. (Chemistry) The substance that remains after evaporation, distillation, filtration or any similar process.
residue n. (Biochemistry) A molecule that is released from a polymer after bonds between neighbouring monomers…
SEISUREseisure n. Obsolete form of seizure.
SEISURE n. the act of seizing, or the state of being seized, also SEASURE, SEIZURE, SEYSURE.
SEIZUREseizure n. The act of taking possession, as by force or right of law.
seizure n. A sudden attack or convulsion, (e.g. an epileptic seizure).
seizure n. A sudden onset of pain or emotion.
SUETIERSUETY adj. resembling suet, also SUETTY.
UREIDESureides n. Plural of ureide.
UREIDE n. any one of the many complex derivatives of urea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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