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There are 12 seven-letter words containing 2E, H and 2N

ENHANCEenhance v. (Obsolete) To lift, raise up.
enhance v. To augment or make something greater.
enhance v. To improve something by adding features.
HEBENONhebenon n. (Now rare) A plant or flower used in the works of Shakespeare and Marlowe to make a poison (cp. with…
HEBENON n. anything with a poisonous juice, also HEBONA.
HENBANEhenbane n. A poisonous plant, Hyoscyamus niger, used sometimes as a drug that causes at least hallucinations, dilated…
henbane n. Any other plant of the genus Hyoscyamus.
HENBANE n. a plant of the nightshade family, noted for its poisonous and narcotic properties.
HENNAEDhennaed adj. Dyed with henna.
hennaed v. Simple past tense and past participle of henna.
HENNA v. (Arabic) to dye with a reddish colouring.
HENNERSHENNER n. (Scots) a challenge to an act of daring.
HENNERYhennery n. (Rare) A place where domestic fowl, such as chickens, are reared; a poultry farm.
HENNERY n. a poultry farm.
HENNIERhennier adj. Comparative form of henny: more henny.
HENNY adj. henlike.
HENNIEShennies n. Plural of henny.
Hennies prop.n. (Colloquial) The clothing retailer H&M (Hennes & Mauritz AB).
HENNY n. a henlike cock.
HYENINEhyenine adj. Characteristic of or pertaining to hyenas.
HYENINE adj. of or like a hyena, also HYAENIC, HYENIC, HYENOID.
MENSHENMENSHEN n. (Chinese) a Chinese door god.
NONHEMEnonheme adj. That does not originate in heme.
NONHEME adj. not containing iron bound like heme.
SHONEENshoneen n. (Ireland, derogatory, ethnic slur) An Irish person considered excessively Anglophile, an Irish person…
SHONEEN n. (Irish) an Irishman who imitates the ways and manners of the English.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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