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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing 2E, H, M and T

EMBATHEembathe v. (Archaic) To bathe.
EMBATHE v. to bathe, also IMBATHE.
EPITHEMepithem n. (Medicine, historical) Any external topical application to the body, except ointments and plasters;…
EPITHEM n. (Greek) a group of leaf cells which exude water, also EPITHEMA.
ERATHEMerathem n. (Geology, paleontology) The total stratigraphic unit deposited during a certain corresponding span of…
ERATHEM n. the stratigraphical unit of rock strata, corresponding to a geological era.
HELMETShelmets n. Plural of helmet.
HELMET v. to supply with a protective covering for the head.
MACHETEmachete n. A sword-like tool used for cutting large plants with a chopping motion, or as a weapon. The blade is…
machete n. A small stringed instrument from Madeira, Portugal, having a double bulged body, traditionally of wood…
machete v. To cut or chop with a machete.
MEATHESMEATHE n. (obsolete) an alcoholic drink made by fermenting honey and water, also MEAD, MEATH.
MERCHETmerchet n. (Obsolete) In Middle Ages England, a fine paid to a lord on a daughter’s marriage, in recompense for…
MERCHET n. a fine paid to a lord for the marriage of a daughter.
METHANEmethane n. (Organic chemistry, uncountable) The simplest aliphatic hydrocarbon, CH₄, being a constituent of natural…
methane n. (Organic chemistry, countable) Any of very many derivatives of methane.
METHANE n. a colourless odourless flammable gas, CH4, the simplest of the alkanes.
SMEETHSsmeeths v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of smeeth.
SMEETH v. to make smooth.
TEMPEHStempehs n. Plural of tempeh.
TEMPEH n. a high-protein food prepared from soya beans.
THEOREMtheorem n. (Mathematics) A mathematical statement of some importance that has been proven to be true. Minor theorems…
theorem n. (Mathematics, colloquial, nonstandard) A mathematical statement that is expected to be true.
theorem n. (Logic) A syntactically correct expression that is deducible from the given axioms of a deductive system.
THERMAEthermae n. Springs or baths of warm or hot water.
THERMAE n. (Latin) hot springs or baths, esp. in ancient Rome.
THERMELthermel n. (Dated) A thermocouple.
THERMEL n. a device for temperature measurement.
THERMESTHERME n. a unit of quantity of heat equal to 100,000 British thermal units, also THERM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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