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There are 13 seven-letter words containing 2E, H, I and M

CHEMISEchemise n. (Historical) A loose shirtlike undergarment, especially for women.
chemise n. A short nightdress, or similar piece of lingerie.
chemise n. A woman’s dress that fits loosely; a chemise dress.
CHIMEREchimere n. (Ecclesiastical) The upper robe worn by some bishops of the Anglican communion, usually without sleeves.
chimere n. Obsolete form of chimera.
CHIMERE n. (French) a loose sleeveless robe worn by Anglican bishops, also CHIMAR, CHIMER.
EPITHEMepithem n. (Medicine, historical) Any external topical application to the body, except ointments and plasters;…
EPITHEM n. (Greek) a group of leaf cells which exude water, also EPITHEMA.
HELIMENhelimen n. Plural of heliman.
HELIMAN n. a helicopter operator.
HEMIONEhemione n. Equus hemionus, the onager or kiang, a kind of wild ass of Tibet.
HEMIONE n. an Asiatic wild ass, aka kiang or dziggetai, also HEMIONUS.
HEMLINEhemline n. The line formed by the bottom edge of a skirt, dress, or coat; hem.
hemline n. The height of this line, measured from the floor.
hem-line n. Alternative spelling of hemline.
HEMPIERHEMPY adj. mischievous, also HEMPIE.
HEMPIEShempies n. Plural of hempie.
hempies n. Plural of hempy.
HEMPY n. a rogue, a tomboy.
IMPHEESimphees n. Plural of imphee.
IMPHEE n. (Zulu) any of several southern African varieties of sorghum.
KIMCHEEkimchee n. Alternative spelling of kimchi.
kim␣chee n. Alternative spelling of kimchi.
KIMCHEE n. (Korean) a spicy Korean dish of pickled cabbage, also KIMCHI.
MESHIERMESHY adj. formed like network.
MISHMEEMishmee n. Dated form of Mishmi.
MISHMEE n. the bitter root stock of a plant, also MISHMI.
SCHEMIEschemie n. (Scotland, derogatory) Someone who lives in a council house estate or "scheme".
SCHEMIE n. (Scots) a derogatory word for a member of a housing scheme.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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