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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing 2E, G, M and T

AGAMETEagamete n. (Biology) A nonsexual gamete; a gamete involved in asexual reproduction.
AGAMETE n. an asexual reproductive cell.
AGEMATEagemate n. Alternative form of age-mate.
age-mate n. One who is the same age as another.
AGEMATE n. a person of the same age as another.
GAMETESgametes n. Plural of gamete.
GAMETE n. a mature reproductive cell.
GATEMENgatemen n. Plural of gateman.
GATEMAN n. a person in charge of a gate.
GEMMATEgemmate adj. (Botany) Having buds; reproducing by buds.
gemmate v. To deck with gems.
GEMMATE v. to reproduce by gemmae.
GEMOTESgemotes n. Plural of gemote.
GEMOTE n. (Old English) an Anglo-Saxon legislative assembly, also GEMOT.
GUMTREEgumtree n. Alternative spelling of gum tree.
gum␣tree n. A eucalyptus tree, including trees now placed in the genera Angophora and Corymbia.
gum␣tree n. Sapium glandulosum, found from northern Argentina to southern Mexico.
MEETINGmeeting n. (Gerund, uncountable) The act of persons or things that meet.
meeting n. A gathering of persons for a purpose; an assembly.
meeting n. (Collective) The people at such a gathering.
MELTAGEmeltage n. The process of melting.
MELTAGE n. the process of melting.
METAGESmetages n. Plural of metage.
METAGE n. an official weighing of coal, grain etc.
SEGMENTsegment n. A length of some object.
segment n. One of the parts into which any body naturally separates or is divided; a part divided or cut off; a…
segment n. (Mathematics) A portion.
TAGMEMEtagmeme n. (Grammar, tagmemics) The smallest functional element in the grammatical structure of a sentence.
TAGMEME n. the analysis of arrangement of spoken elements.
TEEMINGteeming v. Present participle of teem.
teeming adj. Abundantly filled with especially living things.
teeming adj. Referring to large quantities of rain.
TEGUMENTEGUMEN n. (Latin) the inner covering of a seed, also TEGMEN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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