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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing 2E, G, L and O

AEROGELaerogel n. A porous, ultralight solid-state substance, similar to gel, in which the liquid component is replaced with gas.
AEROGEL n. a highly porous solid.
COLLEGEcollege n. (Obsolete) A corporate group; a group of colleagues.
college n. (In some proper nouns) A group sharing common purposes or goals.
college n. (Politics) An electoral college.
ECLOGUEeclogue n. A pastoral poem, often in the form of a shepherd’s monologue or a dialogue between shepherds.
ECLOGUE n. a pastoral poem, often in the form of a dialogue between shepherds, also AEGLOGUE.
EGOLESSegoless adj. Lacking ego: not egotistical.
EGOLESS adj. not self-centered.
ELOGIESelogies n. Plural of elogy.
ELOGY n. a funeral oration, also ELOGE, ELOGIUM.
ENGLOBEenglobe v. (Transitive) To surround as if by a globe.
ENGLOBE v. to form into a globe, also INGLOBE.
ERELONGerelong adv. (Archaic) Before long, soon.
ERELONG adv. before long; soon.
EUGENOLeugenol n. (Chemistry) The aromatic compound with chemical formula C10H12O2, an allyl chain-substituted guaiacol…
EUGENOL n. an aromatic liquid.
FORELEGforeleg n. Either of the two legs towards the front of a four-legged animal such as a horse, or towards the front…
FORELEG n. one of the front legs of an animal.
GOLDEYEgoldeye n. A North American freshwater fish of the mooneye family, Hiodon alosoides, usually eaten smoked.
GOLDEYE n. a freshwater fish.
GOMERELGOMEREL n. (Scots) a simpleton, also GOMERAL, GOMERIL.
LOZENGElozenge n. (Shapes, heraldry) A quadrilateral with sides of equal length (rhombus), having two acute and two obtuse angles.
lozenge n. A small tablet (originally diamond-shaped) or medicated sweet used to ease a sore throat.
lozenge v. (Transitive) To form into the shape of a lozenge.
OBLIGEEobligee n. (Law, finance) The party owed an obligation by another party, the obligor.
OBLIGEE n. one who is obliged.
SOLFEGEsolfege n. Alternative spelling of solfège.
solfège n. (Music) A method of sight singing that uses the syllables do (originally ut), re, mi, fa, sol (or so)…
SOLFEGE n. (French) a singing exercise using the syllable do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, also SOLFEGGIO.
TELOGENtelogen n. (Medicine, dermatology) A resting phase of the follicle in the cycle of hair growth.
telogen n. (Organic chemistry) An active-chain transfer agent used in the telomerization process.
TELOGEN n. the phase in the hair growth cycle during which a new hair is formed in the follicle and a hair that has stopped growing is shed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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